Instagram Followers always conditionally divided into two categories: ordinary users, who used standard telephone facilities or the service itself, and "Advanced" that before you download a new image to his belt, "chased" him through Lightroom and many third-party applications on editing. If you consider yourself instamografom, your phone probably find a few dozen programs for processing photos. Snapseed, VSCO, Camera +, Afterlight, Pixlr - the list can still go on. Some of them are paid, and many duplicate functionality of each other. Try to relieve you of all this abundance is not always useful alternatives to Instagram did today, introducing a new version of its application.
In Instagram 6.0 developers to combine the social network with more advanced photo editing tool. For 3 years of existence of the service are the same monotonous Sutro, Mayfair and Lo-Fi had pretty bored. 18 filters for a long time was not enough, and people wandered in the App Store in search of more and more alternatives.
Updated Instagram is now possible to provide filters force correction, and 10 new editing tools help to free a few hundred MB of free space on the iPhone.
Now that the photo looks exactly as you'd like, I do not need third-party applications. Simply go to Instagram.
In fact, developers have greatly exaggerate their achievements. This is especially true against the backdrop zamentno iOS 8 where advanced processing tools are already available in the gallery. Instagram is now also feels like a third-party application for a similar purpose entry level.
Double-clicking on the filter you want to apply, change its power. Among the conventional means - increase / decrease in contrast, color temperature, saturation, sharpness, brightness of the entire image or only the prominent portions; Correction of shadows and vignetting.
In general, the application has got a variety of useful functionality. While it is not clear what percentage of users abandon third-party solutions for the benefit of Instagram, but the foundation laid in any case, and developers will try to improve all this and more sledat competitive. Download the 6th version of the popular social network, you can already in the App Store and Google Play.
Price: Free
Price: Free