IQTELL: a single environment for all mailboxes and powerful GTD-tool
Android Ios / / December 19, 2019
In this article you will learn a powerful system of organization of affairs in the system by David Allen. IQTELL works through a web interface and mobile apps for iOS and Android - all the time at hand, online and without access to the network. A distinctive feature of the service is the ability to connect multiple mailboxes. Thus, the absolute all your incoming mail can be processed, scheduled or postponed.
Popular around the world GTD-technique of increasing personal effectiveness involves the release of the brain by memorizing tasks themselves, while concentrating on their creative execution. And for storing, organizing and reminder to-do list should meet the special tools, of which in recent years has divorced a huge amount.
In this article you will learn a powerful system of organization of affairs in the system by David Allen. IQTELL It works through a web interface and mobile apps for iOS and Android - all the time at hand, online and without access to the network. A distinctive feature of the service is the ability to connect multiple mailboxes. Thus, absolutely all of your incoming mail can be processed, scheduled or postponed.
The essence of the GTD system is reflected in the book "bring life back in order." People who use the method in practice, quickly apprehend some congestion IQTELL, newcomers also have to get used to. But first, you must register for the service. Suitable ready-made Google account, Yahoo!, Twitter and Facebook.
Web interface IQTELL
In connection with a large number of cases tied to the e-mails, the service immediately prompt you to add several mailboxes. The world's most popular email services connected seamlessly. For the sake of the experiment, we also tried to connect the Rambler and The second no problem, and that's the first IQTELL not docked. Note that this picture we have seen in other web services.
We should also mention the 128-bit SSL-encryption and anti-virus protection from the eminent manufacturer. You should not worry about the safety of personal data, there is a serious approach. Letters from different mailboxes are not sorted together. To some this may seem convenient, someone - no. However, this approach allows a clear distinction between personal letters to business, for example.
All incoming messages can then be transformed into a task, project, to go on a waiting list or folder "for later". Each of these actions involves fine-tuning. For example, if necessary, the action is divided into subtasks, it is assigned a priority, due date, and various other options.
Should I mention that IQTELL loads calendars and Google contacts?
But you can work with IQTELL and outside mailboxes framework. Adding Taxco, manipulation of contacts, work in Evernote are carried out in a few simple clicks. If you something is not clear, the service will offer to pass IQTELL Tours - basic training. Just click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and choose the appropriate menu item. Ease of use adds to the availability of keyboard shortcuts for the most popular activities.
You can customize the look as a web version of the service and its mobile Appa, to which we now turn.
Mobile Client for Android
The mobile application was very similar to a functional desktop version. It is characterized by easy navigation and, most importantly, a quick awareness through pop-up messages in the notification bar.
All manipulations are synced to the cloud and accessible from any device connected to the network. Thanks to the beautiful and stylish design, mobile IQTELL well be used as the primary e-mail application.
a cursory review of the service did not reveal all its features. From a variety of settings and features can make your head spin, so that a full-fledged development will have to spend some time. But there is no doubt that IQTELL represents very powerful tool for fans of GTD-business practices.
And how you think, whether IQTELL successfully combines the postal service with the GTD-planner?