As part of the WWDC Apple has introduced a new version of the operating system for portable devices - iOS 10, which has already been dubbed "the mother of all iOS». And I do it because she finally borrowed from Android more user-friendly features?
New lock screen UI
lock screen in iOS gained new support 3D Touch, a new interface, and most importantly - a fundamentally new scheme of work, already familiar to users of Android. For example, swipe right now send the user to the widgets. However, in the operating system from Google, this function has long eliminated - probably because no one she did not enjoy.
Raise to Wake - continuously on display
Another new feature for iOS, which should appear in the tenth version of the OS, called Raise to Wake. It includes a smartphone screen when you take it in your hands, eliminating the need to wake up the device buttons. A very useful feature for monitoring notifications - and also familiar to users of Android, since Lollipop.
The "Clear All" for notifications
In iOS 10 will be able to remove the notice of all applications using a single icon - another opportunity, familiar to every Android users with the earliest versions. Earlier in iOS can be cleared in one fell swoop only certain groups of notifications.
Siri wishing for all
Apple will open for third-party developers the ability to work with a voice assistant Siri. Functionality of the assistant will be expanded by adding functions to work with third-party messengers. Unfortunately, Apple is late by more than a year: OK Google has learned to do it as early as April last year.
Improved application calls
In iOS get 10 new features and proprietary "dialer» Apple. Among them - the transcription of voice messages and support for third-party applications. The latter is useful for obtaining information about the number of the incoming call (why respond to spam?). True, Google Phone has long been able to determine whether the number belongs to a commercial company. The same applies to decrypt voice mail.
Advanced keyboard QuickType
The keyboard of Apple will also get new features. Chief among them will be the implementation of DeepLearning - deep machine learning, new algorithms by which QuickType be able to give users intelligent tips. For example, if in correspondence someone asks about the current location of the user, the system will offer to share coordinates. This has already been implemented in Hangouts and Google's new messenger called Allo, which provides a similar function Android users.
Face Detection
Standard Photos app in the new version of iOS will learn to recognize faces. Working on the same principle as Google Photos (now available on Android and iOS), Apple application will also identify the objects in the photo, allowing you to search in the archives. In addition, Apple Photos will use the new machine algorithms that will be on their own albums. On the iPhone and iPad will be able to store photos on the server as the source without restriction on volume - are also similar Google innovation.
Editable Apple Maps
The changes will affect and Apple Maps: they will get a new design, as well as an interesting add-ons. It is known that this number will include tips on travel time to the selected point, a variety of filters (eg, for restaurant menus type). navigation mode to learn to assess road traffic along the route and will give tips on the dynamic changes in the way that you do not fall into the tube. All this is familiar to many of us, is not it?
Another important event will be the access to the Apple brand cards for third-party developers. Access to the restaurant's menu will be implemented via OpenTable, will be able to book a taxi directly in the charts thanks to add-ins Uber, as well as to carry out the Pay Apple payments directly to the Apple interface Maps.
Superior iMessage
This application - an almost perfect example of the messenger. New features, such as extended work with links, video sharing, support for Emoji, the cancellation is not messages received by the addressee and support handwritten messages iMessage given the opportunity to compete with any competitors. While all of this newly announced Google, can mention the third-party applications.
Uninstalling standard applications
Officially it is not announced, but the first beta testers have found in iOS 10 the ability to delete some basic applications. Of course, iMessage and Phone can not be removed. But Notes, Mail and others can be completely erased from the firmware. True, there is some subtlety: if the standard application will be removed in the new iOS, another set will fail by default. Let's hope that the approach would change after the official release of the system this fall. Google recently also reduced the number of mandatory non-removable applications.
Joint work in Notes, editing Live Photos and multi mode in Safari
During the presentation of Apple told about some of the smaller features, obviously borrowed from Android. Among them - the co-operation in the Notes (a similar feature in Google Keep has appeared in 2014), edit photos with stabilization (something that Google called Motion Stills; feature launched last week), and multi-mode as shared tabs in Safari on the iPad (already available in Chrome for Android N).
Entering messages watchOS
Among other things, Apple revealed the latest version of the operating system for the Apple Watch smart watches - watchOS 3. The forthcoming version promises to be more smooth and fast, and allows users to change the dials directly on the device itself. In addition, the new OS will be possible to reply to emails directly from the Apple Watch - is shown on the Google Android Wear 2.0 We do at Google I / O this year.
Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses. And both companies learn from each other successful solutions. It is good that Apple has paid attention to achieving a competitor and did not hesitate to borrow some features for your operating system. With these innovations iOS is becoming more open, and hence, more user-friendly and user-friendly.
We'll see how it all represented within the WWDC will work in reality, but for now we will wait for the official release of iOS 10 this fall.