The WhatsApp for Android appeared video calls
Android / / December 19, 2019
One of the most popular instant messengers, which is used by over a billion people, once again received a major update. WhatsApp now supports video calls.
Make video calls in WhatsApp It is as simple as doing everything else. Suffice it to tap on the desired contact, and select "Video Call". However, to see the interlocutor succeed only if the app on his smartphone also enlisted the support of video calling function. Otherwise, you will find a normal conversation.
And now the bad news. Support video appeared not all Android owners. It is believed that the function was called randomly from different users. At the moment, it is not necessary to update the app WhatsApp. sufficient to establish beta index 2.16.318 (451,462), and maybe you are lucky.
Those who are already lucky enough to test video calls, respond positively on the quality of communication. The only problem - the small lags that occur, even if the phone is connected to Wi-Fi. However, all deficiencies should be corrected to the full release of the new features.
Price: Free