Telegram for Android and iOS updated to version 5.10, having received a number of interesting innovations. The main thing - silent messages that come to the addressee without notice. To send such a message, hold down the send button after typing.
Also it appeared "slow mode" for groups that allows administrators to choose how often members can post. Available time frame - from 10 seconds to 1 hour. By the administrators can now assign positions.
Update and to attach files menu that opens when you click an icon with a paper clip. The last image is now displayed at once, and to open the gallery quite svaypnut up.
appeared the promised Emoji living, so far it is only ❤️, 👍, 😒, 😳 or 🥳. If they send a separate message, they will be displayed with animation. The settings also become available option to disable looped animation from stickers.
Another innovation - still images during fast video Telegram. They allow to quickly find the right moment in the video.
To access all these innovations Telegram update on your phone to the latest version (5.10).
Price: Free
Price: Free
see also🧐
- 30 best sets of animated stickers for Telegram
- The Telegram appeared animated stickers. Now they are available to all
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