Editorial Layfhakera original audit conducted among the bots messenger Telegram and select which ones we liked more than others.
1. RubBot
Boat, which shows the current exchange rate.
@rubbot →
2. GitHub
Connects to the repository GitHub to be notified about how to edit the file in real time.
@githubbot →
3. HangBot
The game of "Hangman" - you have a limited number of attempts, for which you must have time to guess the word.
@hangbot →
4. PollBot
It provides the ability to create a poll in a chat with the given answer. At the end of Statistics shows the results.
@pollbot →
5. ImageSearch
Finds any image according to your request. In the options you can request a quality better or similar images.
@ImageSearchBot →
6. Daily_Music
It sends the best and most popular songs of the day.
@Best_Music_bot →
7. GlobalWeather
Displays the current air temperature in said base.
@GlobalWeatherbot →
8. "Accents"
A database of this bot has about 600,000 words with properly spaced accents. If you do not know how to say this or that word, send it to the assistant. Boat immediately will send a response.
@AccentsBot →
9. YouTube Audio Downloader
Extract audio from music videos on YouTube. Send bot link to the video, and it will send you a track to mp3. Alas, YouTube Audio Downloader blocked for iOS.
@YTAudioBot →
10. insta Downloader
Download pictures and videos from any Instagram open profiles. As with the previous bot to download bot is enough to send a link to a file.
@InstagramRobot →
11. Vinci
Boat eponymous service that stylize images using neural networks.
@vincibot →
12. Telegram Store Bot
Boat directory that helps you find other bots within Telegram platform.
@storebot →
13. Flibusta Book
downloader books from an online library "Flibusta". Boat distributes texts illegally, but at the same time it can be used to find a lot of books that are not available in any store.
@flibustafreebookbot →
14. EasyStrongPasswordBot
Generates strong passwords that you can remember easily using simple mnemonics.
@EasyStrongPasswordBot →
15. KriptoBot
Tells courses Bitcoin and Ethereum - useful information for anyone interested in cryptocurrency.
@CryptoBitBot →
16. Boat Layfhakera
And this bot informs about new and interesting articles on Layfhakere. :)
@LifeHackerRuBot →