Mobile Telegram updated to version 5.11, and has received a number of useful functions. Chief among them - the ability to send messages at a specified time, including himself in the "Favorites".
To do this, hold down the send button and select the "Send Later". This option appears next to the silent message that has become available since previous update.
Deferred message itself acts as a reminder. Any message with a given time will make itself felt at the time of dispatch.
Another interesting innovation Telegram 5.11 - customization of existing themes and create new ones. In the built-in editor, you can select the colors of the interface elements.
Theme will be ready to share with friends, with her when she upgraded to a subsequent change of all who use it.
Also Telegram is now possible to limit the range of persons who will be able to find you in the messenger by adding to his contacts to your phone number.
All of these changes are already available to users of Android and iOS. We just need to update the application.
Price: Free
Price: Free
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