From hourly or even every minute notice all already tired. But mobile alerts can be configured entirely for themselves so that they do not interfere.
Unfortunately, there is no instant solution to the problem. You'll have to spend some time trying to dig into the settings. But it's worth it: you remove all debris from the notification screen and will start to receive only the most necessary and important information.
Look in the application-specific settings
The average smartphone user rarely looks in the notification setting individual applications. If you spend on it a few minutes, it will greatly facilitate your life.
For example, in Facebook, you can individually disable notification about comments, requests to friends or posted to the group. This can be done either through a mobile application or through the web version of the social network.
Gmail for Android makes it possible to enable or disable notifications for each mark. So you can make the e-mail client to report only the most important messages. The Gmail for iOS Tag management is not, but you can configure the application so that it notifies only for Priority Inbox.
Almost every program allows you in any way to limit the alerts. Some applications can be configured in such a way as to show the notice of something very special.
As an example Instagram. Open the profile of a friend, then go to "Settings". Here you can enable notifications only for that person. On Facebook there is a list of close friends, which works in a similar way.
Set up system notifications
Google and Apple knows how difficult it is to deal with an endless stream of notifications, so the embedded opportunities their settings on Android and iOS. Go to the relevant section of the operating system settings to enable or disable notifications for individual applications, and change the way they are displayed.
If you absolutely can not live without notification, the two operating systems make it possible to display them without a sound and clean from the lock screen. They will accumulate, and in his spare time, you will be able to calmly deal with each.
Another option - to turn off notifications for some applications, but add to their widgets. The last displayed on the home screen of Android and iOS notification center.
In both operating systems, there is a mode "Do Not Disturb". Adjust its parameters can be through the main menu settings iOS and Android in the sound settings. Alerts will appear, but the phone will not emit any sound.
Alternatively, use the airplane mode. You can enable it, and then read again all accumulated. Incidentally, according to research Future Work CentreYou've got mail!This is one of the best ways to deal with e-mail, when it a lot.
Also we advise view the list of installed applications on your phone, and leave only the necessary. A mail and social networks, you can check with the computer.
Configure alerts via special applications
About Automator tasks we IFTTT already written. It allows you to create an entire custom notification system. It will take time, but you can completely customize to fit yourself using alerting applications. For example, cause the system to send messages only certain Twitter accounts and notified only about the bad weather.
In this case, it is best to disable the standard operating system notification. And after the open IFTTT and create your own alert to anything that you need. The service is very fine-tuning the system: it works with sports scores, social networks, email clients, news services, and many with nothing else.
Price: Free
Price: Free
Another service that is worth mentioning, - Pushbullet. It sends a notification to your computer, mobile devices, and even shows them in a browser. At first it seems that it can only exacerbate the problem. But the product is only simplifies the management of alerts: You will no longer accurately grasp at the phone every two minutes.
Price: Free
Price: Free
Similarly, work and Pushover. You can customize the messages that get from your favorite apps, select the time to display and check them from your computer. In addition, the service can work in conjunction with IFTTT, which will create superprodvinutuyu notification system.
Price: Free
Price: Free