Why do they use Windows XP, and what we do with it?
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
Windows XP operating system is out October 25, 2001, that is, thirteen years ago. Think about this figure. During this time managed to be born and die, new technology, there were private spaceships and artificial organisms, and it is still alive and, it seems, is not going to give up.
Windows XP users today are reminiscent of the Old Believers who had gone into the dense forests and hid there from civilization and progress. They jealously preserve their ancient customs and faith into the correct operating system. They believe that Windows XP is fine and replace it nobody can. Try to convince them otherwise.
My computer with Windows XP works fine
My system is still working perfectly. Why should I upgrade to the current version of Windows, if I just can also surf the web, use Office and do whatever I want? After all, almost all software supports Windows XP, one way or another. And even hardware devices have drivers for Windows XP.
Unfortunately, this is not true. Support for your operating system to Microsoft's side ends up in a few days and it will be a signal to all manufacturers that Windows XP is dead. Who a little earlier, someone later, but they will stop providing support for its products for the operating system.
A separate line is necessary to mention safety. XP default architecture is not the standard of security, and with the cessation of the process of perpetual patching holes, the system will turn into a sieve. It is necessary to you?
I'm used to XP and do not see Windows 8
I've been using Windows XP for so long that I feel very comfortable here. It is as well worn-favorite pair of shoes. And this is your eight general leads me into a stupor - there's even the Start button is not!
Yes, the interface of Windows 8 is a mixed experience. There is really much too realized differently and can not say that very well.
But there are also Windows 7! It will be supported until 2020 and is a modern, secure and convenient operating system. In addition, there are no innovations related to touch input, and you will feel no less comfortable than in XP. Besides, it is possible to establish, for example, such visual styleAnd you do not notice that something has changed.
Upgrading takes too long
Updating the operating system - it's like moving to a new apartment. I've got it all conveniently laid out and have everything stored, reinstall, move your data, and then something will be lost? In addition, obzhivanie at the new location will take more than one day, I just can not afford it.
Yes, everything is true. System update may take some time, even if you know exactly what and how to do it. If you can not boast of such knowledge, then you will have to contact the experts, so that, in addition to time, have to lose even money.
However, there are other ways. For example, Microsoft offers a free tool Laplink PCmover ExpressBy which you can save all files, settings, and user accounts from the old computer with Windows XP for later use on the new computer. Using them is very easy, in practice, from you will only need to follow the instructions step by step wizard to quickly move to the new system.
Contact the software and compatibility Softpedia
My favorite is an old scanner works fine in Windows XP, but I'm not sure that I will find drivers for other systems. The same applies to specific software and some games.
If you are using Windows XP for personal purposes, then it is safe to say that almost can find a suitable replacement for any application software. And the old printers and scanners, Obsolete, almost certainly being asked to landfill.
Much worse things in the corporate sector. There may indeed be a special software or hardware that is not compatible with new versions of operating systems. In this case, the update can cause serious financial outlay or impossible. The only way that can be offered here - is the use of Windows XP in a virtual machine, which, however, is not always appropriate.
As you can see, among all causes Windows XP loyalty, only one is really serious. And then, it is more about the corporate sector. So, no excuses from the Old Believers do not and can not. It is time to say thank you to veterans and let to rest.
Rest in peace, dear friend!