PosterRazor - a program to cut large images into pieces
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
This specific program will help to cut one very large image into several smaller, without losing as separate pieces. This feature will be useful for those who want to print strikingness image on an ordinary printer.
Maximum dimensions of the cut image is five meters (literally) - is the maximum size of the PDF. The program supports multiple measurement modes (m, mm, cm, inch, ft, pt), multiple print formats (DIN A4, DIN A3, Legal, Letter, Tabloid), working with a mixture of images (BMP, DDS, Dr. Halo, GIF, ICO, IFF, JBIG, JNG, JPEG / JIF, KOALA, LBM, Kodak PhotoCD, MNG, PCX, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, PhotoShop PSD, Sun RAS, TARGA, TIFF, WBMP, XBM, XPM ), the size of the final image may be calculated in many ways (the size of the original image, the number of pages, the size as a percentage of the original), the universal is the result of a multi-page document PDF. The program is free, runs on Linux and the Windows, you can download it from the website