Chocolatey - easy to install and update software in Windows
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
In this article you will learn the Chocolatey project that will make the installation and uninstallation of programs in Windows as easy and convenient as well as in operating systems based on Linux. Additionally, you can one-click update your installed applications.
Once upon a time operating systems based on Linux was criticized for the complexity of the installation program. Since then, much time has passed, and today the program management system in Linux is an unattainable ideal for Windows. Applications are installed there in one click directly from the directory of programs and as easily updated or removed in case of uselessness. In Windows, do we have to independently scour the web in search of the necessary software and update them manually, which is not only inconvenient, but also represents a major threat to the security of the system.
Chocolatey created in order to make program management more convenient and more similar to the way it happens in Linux. As part of this project, a repository of programs and special client for Windows, which is able to download, install and update virtually automatic program mode of this directory.
Chocolatey Client is a utility that runs on the command line. To install it, open a terminal as an administrator and enter the following code (you can simply copy):
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient) .DownloadString ( ''))" && SET PATH =% PATH%;% ALLUSERSPROFILE% \ chocolatey \ bin
Wait some time to complete the operation, which resulted in your computer will be installed Chocolatey and updated catalog of available programs. After that, you can get acquainted with the basic features of the program. To do this, enter the command choco help
Which will tell you about how to use the program and displays a list of all available commands.
As you have probably realized, all operations are performed by typing special commands in the terminal. For example, if you need to install any software, it is sufficient to choco install packagename
And to update it, type choco update package_name.
To view the entire list of available programs in the repository, enter the command choco list
or search in the online version of the catalog. Total to date in the catalog, there are about 2500 programs.
If you do not like to manually enter commands, you can install a graphical interface for Chocolatey and use it to install, upgrade or uninstall programs. It is called ChocolateyGUI and installed with the command choco install chocolateygui
Followed by a reboot and run ChocolateyGUI utility administrator.
The program has an extremely simple and intuitive interface, so deal with it will be easy, even without further explanation. Installing the chosen program usually takes place fully automatically, so that you may well be engaged at the same time their own affairs.