How to reclaim disk space after installing Windows 10
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
If you have already installed the latest version of the Windows operating system, you may notice that the amount of free space on the system drive as a result of the update is significantly decreased. For those users that were originally allocated under this section is not too much space, it can become a real problem. In this article we'll show you how to deal with it.
The fact that for the installation of Windows 10 requires a lot of disk space, it is not surprising. While updates are downloaded from the Web installation files, creates multiple recovery points, and do a full backup of the previous version of Windows. Of course, all this requires more than a dozen gigabytes.
If your hard drive still has enough free space, then do not worry and leave it at that. The operating system itself over time will remove all temporary and unneeded files. But if space is left back to back, you'll have to work hard and clean the drive manually. Here's how to do it.
1. Click on the "Start" button, and then locate the pop-up menu "Options".
2. a window will open in front of you "Settings". Select it in "System" icon, and then go to the "Storage".
3. Here you will see a list of available disks and amount of disk space on each of them. Click on the same drive as the place where you need to release.
4. The next screen will present a detailed layout of the data types that take up disk space. Clicking on each item, you can get additional information, and the ability to delete unnecessary files and folders. Here's what to look for in the first place.
- "System and reserved." You can remove the copy of the system files, which are saved to restore the previous status of the computer. But do it better only if you have everything works fine.
- "Applications and Gaming". In this section you can view your installed programs and remove old or underutilized.
- "Temporary files". The most interesting part for us, where you can with a clear conscience, free from debris, temporary files, and most importantly, a backup of the previous version of Windows. Total, this procedure will bring us several tens of gigabytes, but keep in mind that after this you will not be able to roll back. So think twice.
- "Other". Experienced users can dig deeper in this section. Here they can find the installation files Windows 10 and some other things that should get rid of.
In general, such post-installation cleaning Windows 10 can easily release for you 30-40 GB of disk space. But once again we want to warn you that all the above steps should be done after careful consideration. A backup copy of important data you need to make sure.