If you do not pay due attention to the organization's address book in your iPhone, then at one point, you can experience the unpleasant feeling that you come not in the list of people you know, and the crowded market. Good habit here can be initially informed choice format recording each new person with the ability to identify it through last name or nickname, but if an address book is already filthy, and bring it order you want, then you need to look for the best way to solve this Problems.
You can walk around the list directly on the smartphone, but if the list is large, contains a double and in addition It requires the introduction of a plurality of missing data, the small screen and touch keyboard - not the best tools editing. If your computer is running Windows, you can quickly bring iPhone guide in order with the help of an application called CopyTrans Contacts.
After starting the application and the iPhone to connect to the user there is a current list of contacts and edit menu.
When you first start the utility proposes to refer to the instructions for use, but we think that with such a simple interface this step can safely ignore: Left groups and contacts, edit contact information right menu option at the top of the export and imports. If you want to perform an action with multiple contacts, then select their checkboxes. For aesthetes-visual provides manual installation avatars for each contact.
But on the export and import, you can tell us a bit more detail: CopyTrans Contacts allows you to create backup copies of your address book in popular universal formats (csv, vcf, xls), suitable for import into other services, for example, postal services and on the other phone. Similarly, you can download to your iPhone contacts are located on the computer.
only limitation may be called from minuses application on the number of actions in the free version. Then you have to buy the full version for $ 4.99, which, however, not so much for such a useful tool. According to the developers after October 21 the price will rise to $ 9.99, and the «LIFE-HACKER» Lifehacker readers can now use the promo code and purchase CopyTrans Contacts for $ 1.99. here direct link for the purchase of tools with a promotional code from Lifehacker.
Download CopyTrans Contacts (Windows)