Flick - probably the most popular service for storing images. The service was launched in 2004, and one of the first to work on the principles of Web 2.0 - is it anticipated avalanche growth in popularity. Now authoritative Alexa ranking service stands on 30 place (it is very high), and the number of pictures has exceeded three billion. That's why developers are constantly output to light their applications designed to work with Flickr. zFlick-program, to search for the service and download images to a computer.
The program is very beautiful. Any touch to it animates it - poured gradients, thumbnails of images found gradually increasing their sizes, and highlighted, in the search for images themselves are moved on the application box and how to appear, increasing brightness. And the window of the program, as such, there is no - there is only a search line and five rows of thumbnails that are in the animated film, gradually appear and line up right on your desktop. Clicking on a thumbnail, you'll discover a great option - not too big, but enough to enjoy the beauty of the image. Any such image, you can simply drag and drop to copy to your desktop.
In general, to use the program - it is a pleasure. The only thing that upset - is the fact that zFlick does not understand the Cyrillic alphabet - typed text on it just does not display Cyrillic and search words are not carried out. This, by the way, sin many programs on Adobe Air, and it seems that the developers simply do not know that there are languages other than English.
Set zFlick: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/marketplace/index.cfm? event = marketplace.offering & offeringid = 11740 & marketplaceid = 1.