Most of the FTP-client (BitKinex, FTP Now, ALFTP) developers somehow make one-paneled. Only tricks in tweaking helps make them the classic two-panel browsers that actually copy the data from one source to another conveniently. Classic FTP - this is a classic in FTP-client, immediately displays two panels with copying controls between them.
This completely free program is not only for Windows, but also for Mac OS and Pocket PC, and functionality in all three types of the same.
Classic FTP can not just copy the files, but also to synchronize the local folder with the contents of the site (useful when bulk editing). The program remembers the connection settings - can be further selected from a list, can pumps a file when connection is broken, is working with the properties of files and folders. Of course, the opportunities are not equal to the ability of such monsters as CuteFTP and FileZilla, but many a variety of functions and is not necessary. The vast majority of us only need to copy and modify file properties, with what program copes perfectly.
Download Classic FTP: