Kingsoft Office - Chinese competitor to MS Office
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
The Chinese, along with the capitalist communism and its attendant decided to export goods to the rest of the world (which is not so much compared to them) office software solutions. Kingsoft Office is trying to displace in his native MS Office, and along with all the other competitors, but I think he will not succeed.
Though the program and understands all the documents created in MS Office, to open files created with the 2007 version and has not learned (and store in a compatible format). But once able to save files to PDF. The software package consists of three pillars: a text editor, spreadsheet and presentation program. Of the benefits of integration with Google, I note all three programs in the form of a special panel through which you can search by opening result in a new window, or directly into an editable document (which is very strange for China, because they have their own, very large search engines). The same advantage is the use of tabs for simultaneous operation of multiple documents (that have not learned to make MS Office).
Of the minuses - lack of support for the Russian language (no interface, no spell checker). Cyrillic program understands, but an inexperienced user will not just look into the many menus. Well, the biggest negative - quite ugly interface. A feeling that the program was pulled from the box, the commercials in 1998.
I think OpenOffice, SoftMaker Office and IBM Lotus Symphony (1, 2, 3) will be much more interesting for us.
Ofsayta, from which you can download the 100-day trial: