How to unlock the secret to customize Windows 10
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
Operating System Windows 10 has a lot of options for customizing to your personal needs and preferences. Today we look at another way to improve it without third-party programs and learn how to activate the OS secret opportunities.
Many users are unaware of the Windows registry, which stores a record of the settings and parameters of the OS. All this is hidden by default from the user and is coded in the form of special keys. Some of them are responsible for those or other system functions, so editing the appropriate registry strings will allow for the fine-tuning of the system.
Access to the registry is possible through the built-in Windows Regedit editor. Without it does not do any modern version of the OS. To use it, you must click on the search box in the taskbar or use the keyboard shortcut Win + S, enter the command in the text box regedit and run the program.
The editor is very easy to use. To expand the required branch, you need to click once the left mouse button on the respective cross or twice on the title. To create a new value or edit the current need to click on the registry branch, right-click and select the appropriate drop-down menu.
Before any operations with the registry should make a backup. To do this, select Regedit in the menu item "File» → «Export».
Dark Theme
In addition to all the familiar main themes, Windows 10 has built-in the dark. For its activation is necessary to find the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes. It is necessary to create a new DWORD value record (and no other!) Called AppsUseLightTheme and set as the value of 0.
Then, the operation must be repeated in the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes and restart the computer. After rebooting the system will get dark theme. To go back to the light required to remove both the generated key.
Quick start
Windows operating systems can be loaded very quickly. Often inhibition caused by high values of the delay at startup, set by default (this is necessary so as not to slip some of the menu). To speed up the loading of the system, you need to find the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Serialize (Or create the appropriate branch to the specified address if it is missing). There must create a DWORD value called type StartupDelayInMSec and a value equal to 0. To return to the default settings, remove Serialize folder.
System Menu Transparency
Start Menu and Center application can be made transparent, if you edit the appropriate registry value. These settings are stored at the following address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced. To make the menu transparent, create a key named here UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency the type DWORD. The required key value - 1. To stop seeing your desktop, you need to delete the entry from the registry.
Disable screen savers
If the screen saver that appears on the login screen and enter your computer password, already fed up with it, it can be disabled. To do this, you must go to a branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ System and create a new DWORD value with the type and the name DisableLogonBackgroundImage. The desired value - 1. After the start screen will be displayed instead of a picture page with a uniform fill.
Hiding OneDrive from the file manager
To hide in the "Explorer," the ubiquitous and often unused OneDrive, you can also refer to the registry. The respective branch - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} (Better to use the search, not to be mistaken).
There need to find the key with the name System. IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree, open it by double clicking the left mouse button and set the value to 0. This sequence will hide OneDrive icon of "Explorer". If you need to find him a folder, physically it will be all in the same place, at C: \ Users \
All of these actions will take much less time than finding and installing the appropriate system editor. Maybe you know more some interesting ways to Windows 10 through the registry settings?