6 security and privacy enhancements in Windows Update 10 April 2018
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
Microsoft has finally released the long-awaited Redstone Update 4, Called Windows 10 April 2018 Update. Mass deployment of updates began on 8 May. In April 2018 Update implemented some exciting new features and capabilities such as "Timeline". But the main thing - in this update, Microsoft has significantly improved the safety of the system.
1. Improve the "Security Center» Windows Defender
In this update, Microsoft has made it easier access to the main security controls. Users now have access to the basic security features Windows 10 from the context menu of the tray system.
Right-click on the icon «Security Center» Windows Defender in the notification area, and you can quickly check device for viruses, update the anti-virus database Windows Defender Antivirus and open the "Security Center» Windows Defender.
2. "Enhanced protection" mode and configure notifications
The main drawback of Windows Defender - not rich customization features. Therefore, Microsoft has expanded the ability of some of its
antivirus. On the "Device Security» (Device Security) in Windows Defender, you can not only view reports on the status of Windows 10, but also to change the security features, as well as turn on "Strengthened protection".Finally, you will be able to customize the notifications that shows you a "security center" that they do not distract you during hard work or launch entertainment applications.
3. Protect account
Methods for protecting user account when entering the Windows 10 have become more diverse. You can enter a password or account, either through Microsoft Windows Hello by facial recognition, fingerprint reader or PIN.
In addition, Windows 10 April 2018 Update improved dynamic lock function (Dynamic Lock). It blocks Windows, if you are with your smartphone in a pocket away from the computer too far. Now the dynamic blocking is integrated with the "Notification Center» Windows 10.
4. Autofill web forms in Edge
Microsoft Edge Security pumped too bad. New browser autocomplete function allows you to safely store addresses, credit card information and passwords, protecting them from the interception of suspicious sites online stores or counterfeit payment forms. If you do not use Edge, because it questioned its safety, the most time to start.
5. Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG)
According to Microsoft's assertions, Windows Defender Application Guard protects the system from even the most sophisticated browser-based attacks. Windows Defender Application Guard uses cloud-based virtualization technology, running suspicious sites in an isolated environment. Even if you accidentally open a phishing site in the Edge, it will not harm the system.
Windows Defender Application Guard appeared in the previous update for Windows 10 Enterprise. Now, however, it included in Windows 10 Professional, so that increased protection against phishing is available not only corporate, but also ordinary users.
6. OneDrive Files Restore
Probably everyone remembers recent wave viruses cryptographers. They encrypt your files and extort money for the possibility of their return. Microsoft has provided the possibility of further attacks of viruses. A new feature OneDrive Files Restore is now integrated with Windows Defender and Microsoft Office.
Store important files in OneDrive, and if be attacked cipher, Windows Defender deletes blackmailer and restore the affected files in OneDrive Files Restore. This function can restore all modified data in OneDrive in the last 30 days.
If all this is not enough for you and you want to try even more new features can connect to Windows Preview, to receive updates before other users.