7 important skills that should recall every modern adult
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
No need to do anything on their own, which is so enticed previous generations radiant prospects, in fact, turns into dependence on the correct operation of ingenious mechanisms and algorithms, as well as people who know how the proper operation provide. No, I'm not calling to give up washing machines and smartphones, of course not. But there is a whole list of abilities and skills that should have any adult modern person regardless of education, status and habitat.
Skill fixing things
Many modern devices really are extremely complex, so that the climb in their insides with a hammer and pliers would be the height of arrogance. But this is not all situations. Very often the problem is as simple as its solution is so close to the surface, it is only our inner conviction that "I do not know how to" prevent and resolve to see it. Many people are not even close to imagine the device and the operating principles of things around them and, most importantly, did not even seek to learn them.
Skill to use your memory
Judging by the speed with which breed zametochniki, zapisochniki, phone books, calendars and planners, human memory of the future will gradually wither away as useless. Now rare to find a friend who knows the memory at least a few important phone numbers. And to replace the generation we are talking, unable to learn simple poems and to remember the date of the most important historical events. And indeed, why should they, when there is Google?
Skill to cook at home
I am firmly convinced that the harm to mankind from cheap fast food and the presence of microwave ovens in our kitchens can be commensurate with the damage from several recent wars. Yes, it is very convenient and fast, but you have not then complain of obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and a whole bunch of associated diseases. The ability to cook your own - it's not a matter of taste or saving, is a matter of survival.
Skill to give up too much
The ability to abandon unnecessary purchases, from the mad and mindless pursuit of new models and The brand is not so much a sign of a lack of financial resources as a sign of mental maturity. Tell all those who change each time a model of its smartphone and the car, so if it had to be really? And it may be better to spend that money on a pleasant and useful things? For example, to visit the foreign language courses or travel.
The less money we spend on stuff, the more we can then spend on the people around us and getting new experiences.
Skill expand their horizons
"I am a programmer, I do not need it." "I am a sportsman, it's too much for me." "I am a musician, I'm only interested in the music."
You have heard such statements? Yes, our century - a century of narrow specialists. But you can not artificially limit the scope of their interests only to what is necessary for professional growth. In the end, the work - it's just part of life, moreover, is not the greatest. Try to always strive to learn as much as possible of all new, even when it seems you are not very useful at the moment. You never know what will come in handy tomorrow.
survival Skills
We live in a quiet time so that the ability to self-kindle the fire, guided by the stars and find the water may seem monstrous anachronism. However, these and other survival skills may well come in handy one day. And not necessarily somewhere in backpacking or travel. Non-standard situations occur quite often with people, sometimes unpredictably. You can get lost for a walk, your vehicle may stall in the winter night road, and by natural disasters no one is immune. Always better to be prepared in advance for emergency situations than to shrug helplessly.
Skill to deal with long tasks
Frantic pace of modern life dictates its own rules. We try to respond quickly, make decisions quickly, and we want to see immediate results of their work. However, in the life of frequently encountered problems, the solution of which can take months or even years of persistent efforts. Ability to work "in a long" wait patiently for the emergence of the shoots of the business today is not inherent to all people. No, nothing wrong with fast reactions and focus on results here and now there, but sometimes it is patience and perseverance is essential for success in life.
And what are the important qualities and skills you add to this list? What you need to know and be able to modern man, so as not to pass for wimp and inept?