At work after the holiday
Productivity Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Leo Babauta has experienced all the "charms" postotpusknoy period: jet lag as sleep problems, child illness after travel and a complete lack of motivation. But he, as always, perfectly coped with difficulties and led to four rules on the return of motivation. Here are the rules, they may be useful to you.
So, you go to work after a few weeks of pleasant idleness or active vacation in your hometown or return from a trip. Slowly deal of fatigue and long road win jet lag after the flight, and the next day you work. It will be difficult? The first time - sure.
But there is a chance to relieve their addiction to work weekdays. Here are four tips from well-known blogger Leo Babauta, who will help to motivate yourself after you leave and join the workflow faster.
Get plenty of rest
It would seem that you are vacationing for a month (or less), now it is necessary to join in the work, and with fresh forces "move mountains."
But you can relax in different ways: to lie for days on the beach or come the whole city on foot, climb a mountain or go on a long hike with a heavy backpack. You may well have a rest mentally, to get rid of stress and at the same time to get tired physically. And acclimatization can torment you the first few days.
The first week after the holidays and take care of forces try to rest as much as possible.
Priority was given to sleep and calm pursuits, but as soon as you feel a surge of strength, can be closely engaged in household chores or activities.
find the goal
If you can not work, then you have enough motivation to do so. Find a purpose, and the work will go much more fun.
This may be a personal goal or helping others. After all, we all love to help. Even the most selfish of us find it a pleasant affair.
Try to help someone, it will be a great motivation, which is to shake you.
Launch mechanism
Very often, after the holidays, you see before you is the mountain of work, and it's scary. And when you're scared, do not want to do.
Start small - start the process of work, and then everything will go on the thumb.
Set a little scary task like "to write a short article" or "deal with the mess on the desktop" and do it.
Then it will be easier. You perform another task, then another, and addicted to the workflow.
Ask someone to monitor you
If no one controls your work even harder to force myself to do something. You may well ask your friends or relatives to follow you.
Send them to-do lists for each day, and on Friday show that did. You will hate to disappoint loved ones, and you will make all our plans are more likely. And the very fact planning It helps you do more.
And not just leave
Lack of motivation can happen not only after the holidays, but after the long holidays (such as Christmas) or just because - because you are tired and exhausted.
In any of these cases, you can try four ways to return to active work:
- Get plenty of rest and relax.
- Find a goal toward which to strive.
- Start small - do the small task, then one more, and so on.
- Ask someone to control you.
And how do you deal with the apathy and unwillingness to work?