We write every day and do not know how to do it
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
We write every day: personal communication with friends, corporate correspondence with colleagues. And we are doing is bad. Below I'll talk about why to be able to write - this is important. And the fact that I was able to understand about the text for the time which the author works on Layfhakere.
In the age of viral videos, funny pictures and "Kouba"We still write every day. We write emails, tweets, posts. Sometimes something is longer: thoughts in diary, News of their lives on social networks or article. Therefore, even now, when it would seem, the text slowly dying, the ability to write well is vital.
I recently read a book Everybody Writes writer and marketer Ann Hadley. She pushed me to write this article.
We write more often than you think
Let's imagine that you write is so-so (of course, it is not). In the best case, only friends will assume that you are illiterate, and accept the fact that the number of emoticons in your messages exceeds the number of words.
The problem becomes more urgent, if you are writing not only on their own behalf, but also on our behalf. From corporate email and finishing company blog or a page "About Me". Literate and articulate text impresses people more than you think. Believe me.
Write the way you think is not enough. Our thoughts are often confusing. The text also gives us a head start, allowing to formulate the idea, edit it and put in the right kind. Do not neglect this opportunity. The texts in personal correspondence will impress your friends and the opposite sex, in a corporate - will attract customers and partners not to scare.
One of my friends often throws me letters that come from its employees on the corporate e-mail. I do not know whether you will be surprised, but even middle-aged managers and directors do absolutely idiotic mistakes in seemingly obvious words.
The first attempts are always terrible
In general, always. In 100% of cases. My times are terrible so I'm a day or two hammer to work and stop writing. After a while I learned to deal with it, but the criticism itself pops up so far. What to say, then we have to deal with criticism from other people, and it's even worse.
It seems to me that the main mistake many novice writers and editors that they consider writing unrestrained creativity. Although in fact it is a non-stop process corrections and adjustments written.
Do not be afraid DKVNSPR (crap that you have written the first time). Even Stephen King I faced and is facing a similar problem. You may need to rewrite the text five times. Maybe ten. It may be able to write well on the first try. I am sure this also happens. But rarely. Do not be afraid to correct and rewrite their work. That this is the task of the person who writes.
Tips that help me
I am sure that every author has a set of tricks that he uses. I would like to share my. First of all, I often encounter a situation where simply do not know what to write. For example, I have a plan of the article and I know how to describe the second and fourth points, but have no idea what to do with the first and third.
In this case I do billets. I am writing key ideas and leave big gaps in the text, to go back to them in the future. This advice is not always useful, as many of the texts should not be written out of order.
I also have long understood and to understand and advise you: people do not care about your thoughts. Another interesting read you only in three cases:
- If you're wondering.
- If you write useful.
- If you're a celebrity.
Do not think of himself as a genius after the author notes about how devilishly unjust life, or reasoning about the political situation in Facebook, collect 20 likes.
Last and most important rule: You need to write regularly. This need not be the article. Enough notes in personal diary, comment on a favorite movie or a letter to your loved one. Forget writer's block, it is for wimps.
Finally mention of my favorite book about writing — «The bird the bird"Anne Lamott. The author was able to describe all the advantages and problems (last longer) literary profession. The book is read in one breath despite the fact that the abundance of practical advice. I recommend.
In this article, I fit all my thoughts about writing, which seemed to me the most useful. For a more thoughtful reading you can go to advice for writers by Anne Lamott, article the correct effect on the reader by the linguist from Harvard and instrumentsThat are useful to any writer. I assure you, there you will find many useful things.
Sometimes we write on paper. Sometimes we communicate with friends. And sometimes we do it is just to relax. But should be able to write one. In our time, it is too useful skill to neglect them.