How to become CEO of his mind: 6 practical tips
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
On the question of who is the boss, in which under the house meant his own body and life, everyone will tell you that, of course, it is! Who else?! Only it depends on me, what decision to take, and what to wear! But if you think you are the rightful owner of the "I" and your life, you are deeply mistaken. Every person deep down lives another "I" - the unconscious and uncontrolled. All of us at some point are the Jekyll and unable to predict or control what can still throw our capricious, the second "I".
But we can do to take control, because the person as a system, is also quite manageable. The main thing is to know the proper methods of management, leverage and redeem the "golden share" in his brain.
"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to his family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind."
1. Listen and be aware of
Like any good leader listens to his head and disgruntled employees, and you have to listen to that tells you your mind. Our minds, like other people, can relax, unwind and let go if they feel that they are not just heard, but also take into account their opinion. Practice gratitude and thank your mind for what reminded you that if you can not execute a sales plan, you can be fired. Or you can stay single and never find love and start a family. All this is a very important part of your life and they must be very careful. Use every opportunity that is available, as well as to learn from past mistakes to again step on the same rake.
Typically, these thoughts come in a moment of desperation or panic. And we try to push them back into the depths of his consciousness as deeply as possible, and then forget it as a nightmare. But what we do not see or hear it, it does not mean that it is not. Since you do not deal with the problem, it remains and eventually will have an effect. As a result, breakdowns happen silly, dismissal and sudden marriage "to have time". And all because the mind rebelled, and we could not see trouble brewing.
2. Peace treaty
You may not like the behavior of your mind and what he does. In other words, you can catch yourself thinking that you can not understand in any way, why do you keep thinking about the negative, or are afraid to start something new, or permanently put off until later. You again get on the nose and angry with himself (and on who else ?!). But the problem is that you're stuck with him in one body for life. This means that you have to negotiate. It's like with the warring countries with common borders. If one side takes aggressive action against the other, the second, of course, respond, and then suffers even more people and there will be more destruction. As a result, energy and resources to development is not enough. They only have time, that patch up old wounds. The same applies to your internal dialogue. You only will that fight with windmills, and forces on the development in progress just will not.
Not necessarily agree with all this negativity. You just need to understand and accept that it is and that it is part of you. And let it be somewhere in the background on the background of your mind at the time, as you will successfully achieve its objectives, having ceased to be angry and to direct energy in a peaceful course.
3. Realize that your thoughts are just thoughts and nothing more
We can not see your mind. We just feel it as a part of yourself. We can not separate himself from his thoughts and therein lies the problem. That is the simple, schematic form, the link looks like this: the thought in my head - "I am a loser, with me all boring," that we should just think about yourself: "How wonderful! I am a loser! All is as it should be! ". But we can not leave the body and look at yourself objectively.
And since our thoughts are not always positive, and very often depend on circumstances that we can not control, the situation is even more complicated. Weather, hormones, hunger, work, people around, even hear vaguely song can dramatically alter our mood and what we think of ourselves. They also, like mental habits, can be healthy and unhealthy, and to change them, and it takes time. Also, as someone who has never in his life did not run and kilometer, can not get up and immediately run a marathon, and we can not immediately get rid of your negative thoughts. And even with the time our hyperactive amygdala will occasionally send negative impulses.
4. Watch your mind
The phrase "Know your enemy" also applies to our relationship with your consciousness. And just as an officer and each day passed through the ranks of his subordinates, being interested in their lives, and you need to learn how your mind works. You can call it whatever you like - meditation, awareness and tranquility time. Time spent in the depths of his consciousness is also useful, as well as physical training. When you are trying to concentrate on your breathing or on the contemplation of nature, what do you feel? What are the first thoughts appear in the mind? Usually, in a head pop up everyday worries and unresolved cases. And if you do not let your worries and disturbing thoughts to manifest itself when it does not hurt anyone, they be sure to make themselves known in the most inopportune and unexpected moment and screwed back you into a spiral of concern and unresolved problems.
Such meditation - is not just spying on your mind. It is also the ability to restore him gently back on track again and focus on more important and pleasant things - breathing, eating, work, love. And when you practice it all the time, you will be able to reprogram their amygdala on positive thoughts. And like every good CEO of, you will notice when your mind starts to slip, and can gently redirect it in the right direction. And when he again tries to independently return to the old way, you can remind him that it is interdependent and very important part of the enterprise - that is, you.
5. To retrain your mind to organize the work of your brain
Another old saying goes, "We are what we do constantly," and to this can be added "We are what we are constantly thinking." Over a long period of what we often think, engraved forever in our neurons, connecting them together. Of these compounds, and develops our character. And if we often think about the same, one has only to start the idea, and all immediately repeated again and again in the same order. That is, after the launch of the first thoughts immediately activated all memorized sequence.
Of course, the autopilot - it's great for the car or plane, but not fit for humans. Unless you want to become a robot, which acts only on the program. For example, you have a fear of interacting with people. And if you do not learn to overcome it, you will never be able to live at full capacity. Every time you start thinking about what you need will come up and ask for something, will run the old program. And in order to remedy the situation, you need to rewrite it all over again and start a new program, corrected. Therefore, the more often you do something more adventurous, the faster a new, positive program will take the place of the old.
6. Practice samosostradanie
Samosostradanie can be called a healthy attitude. And just as we can change the level of guilt, we can change the attitude to it. Very often, we (especially boys) teach that sense of wounded is bad and needs to hide. But in fact, there are many scientific works that prove that the correct expression of vulnerability can be a source of strength and confidence.
When we begin to judge our feelings, we lose touch with the advantages that give us these feelings. They are a valuable source of information about our attitude to the events that occur in our lives. And they point to the fact that for us is the most valuable. These emotions show us where we need to get some rest and gain strength. And instead of criticizing ourselves, we can listen to your feelings and understand how to help yourself during the hard times. Memories of the happiest moments of our life and spending time with friends can help to survive difficulties and remain grounded and to solve problems, not to shut down in a depression and ruin all finally.
Listen to yourself, find yourself again, recognize your weaknesses and mistakes and learn to control their emotions and thoughts. The second is impossible without the former. And like any good leader, guide their subordinates on refresher courses - read, study, learning a conscious meditation, to do what has always feared and learn to accept yourself as you are on nature. Because you and your mind - a single unit. And what is beneficial for one is good for another. After all, how can you manage a team or negotiate with people, if you can not agree with yourself?
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