Why is it important to re-read their diaries
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
No matter how look, keep a personal diary is helpful. This emotional unloading, and careful analysis of the events and precious memories. But if you simply keeps a diary and will never return to their past records, they lose half the benefits that would bring. Why is it important not only to write, but also to re-read their diaries, read below.
Our brain is designed so that unnecessary information in it is not delayed. Another thing is that our brain is considered unnecessary: many valuable ideas and guesses disappear just because you do not have time to write them down or buried among hundreds of other entries. Do not miss out on these ideas - the first and perhaps the most significant reason to keep a diary.
A new look at old guesswork
Sometimes the ideas are of value at a certain point in time to which they simply can not be embodied. So, for example, it happened with the movie "Avatar", the script of which was established 15 years before the Incarnation, and the idea came to Cameron in his youth.
Many of the ideas of Charles Darwin became known to the general public only because he had a habit of writing them.
For example, in his work "On the expression of emotions in man and animals", released in 1872, notes were used, made long before that - in 1839, when Darwin was born the firstborn, and scientists began to observe the expression of emotions child.
Keeping a diary retains the ideas that have not yet found the application, and return to the old records helps put these ideas over time, or somehow use them.
Re-reading my notes, you suddenly come across a great idea that did not come in handy at a time when you came up with it. But now you look at it different eyes: changed circumstances, and, more importantly, changed you. You have a new experience, perhaps, changed view of the world.
If you do not take the idea in its original form, you can find her a new application, rotate somehow in another way and to use for their needs. It turns out this symbiosis between the brain is actively working at the moment and the ideas and valuable ideas from the past, coming to you from the pages of the diary.
But even this is not the only reason to re-read their diaries.
Revaluation goals and emotional lift
I keep a diary, however, do it haphazardly and wherever is necessary: two or three notebooks or diaries, in Diaroapp.com, in Evernote. Sometimes (admittedly, not often) I go back to my records and plunge into a fascinating read.
Their memories are always interesting, especially since most of what is written, I remember only in general terms, and pop the details give a completely different picture.
You kind of look at the top of all the problems that worry you at the time you see their roots, and now you know what was right and what was not. It's great, like watching a movie about his life, and, of course, it allows you to draw conclusions from past mistakes.
No less important reason to look through the blog again - to see how you really relate to events and people. In an article on the benefits of keeping a diary Glory Baranskii talked about their experiences and about how it is important to remember not only good but also bad points. Thanks to the management of the diary he was able to see the real picture of affairs, based on their personal assessment of the scale of the situations, events and people from 1 to 5.
A review of its records can be an excellent tool for the revaluation of some events in their lives.
And yet it's great uplifting, especially if you find a list of their goals, which for a long time forgotten, and you realize that most of these goals you have achieved, and what did not work, lost his relevance.
One time I found a list in an old notebook, and it was really cool - to understand that even without much effort and constant reminders embodied almost everything that was intended. And it motivates create the following lists of destinations.
I think the reason is enough to at least occasionally return to their records, inspire and lift the mood.
Have you re-read their diaries?