Productivity System Zen: ZTD (Zen to Done)
Productivity Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Leo Babauta, author of the blog Zenhabits productivity, has released a new book on productivity in the style of Zen - «Zen to Done». In it, he emphasizes simplicity, which focuses on our operations "here and now", rather than the system.
It's about the habits and actions, rather than on the systems and tools.
The main theme of the book - 5 GTD problems that most people face. ZTD in this case is something like a tuning fork, which helps set up GTD individually for each person.
Leo, as always, trying to simplify the existing system and to make it easy for different people. The GTD system, he sees five major problems.
5 GTD problems
Problem №1. GTD - is a series of changing habits. This is one of the key reasons due to which people are beginning to adapt to the system and as a result still throw it. Not everyone turns simultaneously change several habits (especially harmful).
Solution. If you read at least one of Leo's articles, then you already know it 'religion' - changing one habit at a time. ZTD offers a focus on changing just one habit for another approach. Then I should be. By the time it goes a little longer than the standard offers a GTD system, but the chances are increased to achieve the desired results.
№2 problem. GTD is not enough focus on the action. Most books on GTD focuses on collecting and processing stages, while for specific actions devoted quite a bit of space.
Decision. ZTD focuses on the action - how to really complete the tasks in an easy and relaxed manner.
№3 problem. GTD is too unstructured for many people. On the one hand, the absence of a clear framework for decision-making moments "right now" and the decisions of what to do next, is one of the key items of standard books on GTD. On the other hand, it may also be his main problem, which introduces a lot of people confused. How many people - so many opinions and styles of performance.
Decision. ZTD system proposes to use to solve this problem a few habits - the habit of planning (Planning three tasks per day, and the main tasks for the week), and the standard habits that you are used to perform each day. All these habits, like most of the habits of ZTD, are optional - something will work and what - is not present. You are free to choose, and habits you selected will be a great help to your GTD system.
№4 problem. Standard GTD system tries to run at one time too many tasks. In the end, it ends another stress. GTD tries to exclude from life everything that is not very important for a person to be able to work productively as possible. But do not forget that all these little things that interfere with productive work are an integral part of life and can bring great pleasure. Therefore, many are trying to fit into your list of everything - great and small, trying to execute compiled lists swollen to unimaginable proportions. This is not a GTD problem - it is a problem of people (how they are trying to implement a read).
Decision. ZTD focuses on simplifying the system. Select the basic tasks, remove all the excess and focus on the implementation of the main.
Probema №5.GTD insufficiently focused on core objectives. The main purpose of GTD - the execution of incoming tasks. That is all included, without orientation on the main objectives.
Decision. ZTD offers to concentrate on core tasks. Every day you choose what is important. Every Monday revise the basic plan for a week and thus keep the basic plans in the field of view during the year, without deviating from the desired path. GTD contains elements of such a system, but ZTD extends.
10 Habits of ZTD
1. Collect. Habit: permanent information absorption. Always carry with you what you can write down important information or new ideas.
2. Process. Habit: treat all incoming messages, do not put them in the closet. No chance of procrastination. Check your e-mail at least once a day and respond to messages, sort them by importance.
3. Plan. Habit to paint the main goals for every day, and the biggest problem - for a week.
4. Do (focus). Habit: do one task at a time, without distracting more than anything.
5. STS system (simple trusted system). Habit: make simple lists and check them daily. No complex lists. Perhaps you do not even need special software - everything is simple and clear. Full focus on the major problems of the day and week.
6. Organize. Habit: all things must have their place. Try to keep in order your desk and home. Things litter is not only the space in the room, but in the head.
7. Revise. Habit of revising its system and major goals every week. During this weekly review you have the ability to track the progress and fulfillment of objectives which methods best promote it.
8. Simplify. Habit: reduce your list of goals and objectives to the priorities. The main objectives can not be much. Cuts off all unnecessary.
9. Constancy. Habit: set and maintain a constant mode. Set a specific daily rituals that help you tune in to work, and try to keep them doing nothing missing daily.
10. Find your passion. Habit: Find a job in which you are really in love. No comments.
In this post, I described everything very briefly - just a cursory content of the book. If you read the book by Leo Babauta before (the same «Focus»), Zen To Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System [Kindle Edition] you can buy on Amazon for $ 5. I'm not sure that in the nearest time, it can be downloaded free of charge.