Ten-life hacking - net productivity every day
Productivity Motivation / / December 19, 2019
The most difficult part in any business - this is the beginning. Even if you know that the solution you take only half an hour, you will gather with the spirit twice as long. I'm not talking about something really big and serious. A decisive step "start" may take more than one day, because you will be busy with a very important thing - think about how everything is difficult, scary, and what will happen if things do not go the way you planned.
David Kadavu, author of "Design for Hackers" offers a way to solve this problem - "ten-hack".
Book David №18 is on the bestseller list on Amazon, so I think that his advice may be considering.
What exactly is this hack? The very first thing you should do after woke up and meditated (made easy exercises) - it does not go in the shower or drinking coffee. No, you have to set the timer for 10 minutes and sit down for any new business, which is on your list. You have to work without stopping and without being distracted by extraneous action for ten minutes.
How much can get done in 10 minutes? You'd be surprised, but in the meantime you can do as a small part of anything, and almost half of all cases. Sometimes all it reaches infinity, and sometimes flies in an instant - it all depends on the complexity and passion.
The beauty of this method to move all of the deadlock is that you spend only 10 minutes on the most difficult part - to the beginning. The case has moved forward, and then you will be much easier to plan your day.
motivational judo
If you are unable to get into the flow and continue the begun business for more than ten minutes, you have permission to do something else after this time.
If you are on the contrary entered into the spirit and can not stop - too great. During the first two hours of their working day, you've done more than a normal eight-hour!
You can use this technique not only for the work. This may relate to your desire to start reading a book, meditate, do yoga, stretching, etc. And it does not necessarily have to be 10 minutes. Time yourself, you can vary depending on what it decided to do.
Such as meditation for the start can be enough for two minutes. The same applies to the stretch. But reading books or playing sports more suitable 30 minutes.
How do you like the idea?