Two ways to help more productive
Productivity Motivation / / December 19, 2019
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Man is not able to work productively within 8 working hours. And not the fact that if you honestly sit at their workplace and try to perform as much work, you will come to a head fast and brilliant ideas the task.
A survey conducted NeuroLeadership Group in collaboration with a major medical company among the 6000 participants showed that only 10% of the group interesting ideas come to work. Therefore NeuroLeadership Group has set itself the task of studying ways that would help to delve deeper into the work and accomplish tasks with the highest efficiency out more of the work done and interesting ideas - less time spent time.
As a result, it was definitely three methods that are backed by scientific research, the use of which will delve deeper into the work performed.
Neurologist David Cresswell from Carnegie Mellon can shed some light on this topic. He conducted studies that show the effects of various distractions to methods and quality of the human mind.
An experiment was conducted in which three groups were asked to choose a car based on the proposed four characteristics. Thus one of the characteristics has as two positive and two negative sides. Participants in the first group had to immediately make a decision. The participants of the second group were given a little time to think. A third group of participants first told about the problem, and then given to the implementation of a simple, absolutely concerning the choice of the car, the job.
As a result, the first group did worse than all. The results of the second group were a little better than the first. And finally, the third group gave the most reasonable and correct answers. That is, people who have made a conscious effort to solve the problem coped with no worse than those who received the task, distracted for a short time and then started to deal with it.
It's like a fresh look at the worn-out holes up to the task, which did not manage to solve. Instead of continuing to bang his head on the impenetrable wall, it is necessary to postpone the problem aside and do something else and then come back to this problem. And to do so as long as you do not suddenly fall. Sometimes the solutions are right in front, but we continue to stubbornly ignore them.
4-hour working stream
Saku Tuominen, founder and creative director of Idealist Group in Finland and his team conducted a survey of 1500 workers Finnish and international companies in order to find out how they feel at work and how productive their work process. The results were not very encouraging - 40% said they do not cope with the flow of letters; 60% believe that the visit too many unnecessary meetings, and 70% do not plan their working week. In general, the staff said that they have no sense of the importance of their work and they are not able to control this process.
Based on studies of Teresa Amabile, a professor at Harvard Business School, Tuominen recommends to try new approaches to the organization of the working process:
Think only on one task, or an idea that needs to be addressed, and constantly keep it in your subconscious.
Clear your mind by two successive actions: express their thoughts on paper as a list of ideas or tasks, and then remove from this list all unnecessary during any short period of time (for example, if the flight is delayed or canceled business meeting or collection).
Plan your week or month has three priority tasks that you would like to understand.
Try to make sure that you have at least 4 hours, during which you could constantly think about the task. If you can plan for yourself 4:00 continuous work flow and concentration, you're much more quickly achieve the desired results, and improve the quality of their thinking. Tuominen believes that if we are unable to control themselves, so we are not able to control other people.
The method of "Scenes"
Tuominen and Cresswell understand that conscious thought is a limited resource, so the more productive you need to learn how to dispose of them. People are not multitasking, but during most about it, somehow forgets. And we try to grasp the immensity, again stepping on the same rake.
To understand this process, try to imagine the scene of the theater. Spectators constantly break through to climb onto the stage to the actors (our constant distraction by extraneous things). The actors are not able to play multiple roles (our attempts to be multi-tasking). And, in the end, the scene is not rubber, and on it can not at the same time is more than the number of people under (our sense of work overload).
And when you try to look at their work, both in the theater, then you will understand that everything should be done consistently and that our brains can not cope with the task in such a furious pace. Therefore Cresswell offers an option to try a distraction from the main task at something different and lighter and Tuominen offers the option of continuous work flow for 4 hours. Which of these options is your can be understood only to try both. Perhaps based on the situation, the physical and emotional state of the problem and need to alternate these techniques until the desired result is achieved.