How not stop yourself to achieve the goals
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Mahatma GandhiHappiness - is when what you think, say and do is in harmony.
Gandhi was absolutely right. When you do not act in accordance with their goals and values, there is an internal contradiction. You know what you need to do something: to work on his project, to spend more time with loved ones, eat right, and so on - and you deliberately do the opposite.
You can come up with excuses and convince yourself that you are on the way to his dream. But let's face it: you are cheating yourself. On your behavior depends directly on your results. And if you deliberately injure yourself, you can never be sure of their abilities. Instead, you will have to press the depression and the uncertainty of prospects in life.
Do you live in accordance with their goals and values? Do you feel the internal contradictions?
I also experienced this. I often check Facebook and Twitter, although I know that it distracts me from my work. I can not live without sandwiches of Nutella, although I know that because of this I will never be a normal press. I often can not write all day, although I understand that because of this achievement of my goals is stretched on for months.
Frankly, my behavior is often contrary to my values and goals. But they may become the driving force that will lead to good results. And no other way. If you want to succeed, your behavior should be appropriate.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyYou live in their actions, and not in the body. You - it's your actions, and you have no other.
Every day should be perfect
Every day, we all have 24 hours. If you do not know how to dispose of it timeIn your life will not be the direction. Otherwise, success is inevitable.
Think, how was your date? Look back and remember everything you did today. Honestly answer the following questions:
- You acted like a man who want to be?
- If you have spent all the days in the year, just as it is today, no matter where you ended up?
- If you are really trying to realize their dreams, how different would your perfect day off today?
- At that it should look like your normal day, so that you can fulfill your dream?
One of the best ways to create for themselves an ideal life - imagine your perfect day. How do you see it? What should happen every day, so that you can live as a dream?
Your perfect day should be based solely on your own conception of the good life. Only you can determine what it means to happiness and success for you.
My perfect day looks like this:
- 7-8 hours of good, healthy sleep.
- Proper nutrition, simple and wholesome food. The share of fast food should be not more than 300 calories per day. During at least one meal, I would like to communicate with his wife and children.
- 30-60 minutes of exercise.
- 15-30 minutes of meditation.
- 1-2 hours self.
- 3-5 hours of work on the text.
- At least 2 hours playing with children.
- At least an hour of communication with his wife.
It does not matter the order in which these actions must be performed. No two days are exactly alike. If I did everything on the list, would remain for more than three hours, I have to something to check email, eat, go somewhere else, to distract, to talk on the phone with a friend and do it all spontaneously arising case.
Of course, not all of my days are like perfect. Perhaps only half. It extends less than half Other fruitful, even smaller.
We can control the way a lot of fun. After all, if we are not sure that they can do it, we did not learn to take a responsibility for their actions.
Call to action
- Highlight a few minutes and try to imagine your perfect day.
- Make a list of actions that can not be without your perfect day.
- Start to monitor how and what you spend your time. When you start doing this, you become aware of how often you are contradicting yourself.
Easier said than done. But it is quite possible to live purposefully and consistently. can be replaced bad habits helpful. Probably be the person you want to be.
Motivation and self-control theory
If you lack motivation, then, most likely, the problem with your goals. Either you have set ourselves the wrong target, or they are not specific or you have allocated enough time to achieve them.
Let's see how the right goals affect us on a psychological level. Self-regulation - is a psychological process that detects the mismatch between our goals and our behavior and motivation starts: it should help us to achieve the level to which we aspire.
In particular, self-regulation works in three directions:
- self-control It determines how well we do something now.
- self-concept It determines our feelings and thoughts.
- Reflection It will determine whether our thoughts and feelings of our goals.
Not just to perform, and surpass the plan, you need to exert more effort than it seems at first glance. Instead of waiting for the ideal conditions expect at worst. Rather than to underestimate the amount of time and effort that you need to overestimate it.
Implementation of plans
Of course, to achieve the goals is not easy. Otherwise, we would be surrounded by extremely successful people. Often we fail to deal with internal problems, and it becomes an obstacle to our dreams.
Many researchers have tried to answer the question of how to support people in their quest for goalsWhen they have difficulty with motivation. It turns out that the whole thing is that psychologists call implementation intentions. Take, for example, marathon runners, developing endurance. When they reach the point at which it becomes difficult to escape, they begin to think about the conditions under which they fall by the wayside, "If I lose my eyesight completely, I will stop."
If you do not pre-determine the conditions under which refuse conceived, you are likely to throw everything much earlier than they otherwise would. Most people will stop, when the stock remains at least another 40% of their physical strength.
But not enough to determine for themselves the conditions under which you give up the plan. You should also think about their actions in the case where the encounter with such conditions.
My cousin Jesse - a perfect example. He was a heavy smoker for ten years, smoked several packs of cigarettes a day. Three years ago, suddenly threw. Whenever he is under stress or has bad day, or triggers some trigger inducing smoke cigarette, he just says to himself: "If I were a smoker, I would definitely lit now," and then continue to go about their affairs.
When I digress - and it happens often - I pull out my journal and write down your goals. It restarts in me motivation and helps to adjust the direction.
Not enough just to want to succeed. You need to plan and be prepared for the worst.
Our desire often come to naught. You have to prepare for moments, the end of the motivation. And you must create for themselves the triggers that will help you get her back.
Call to action
- Imagine the problems that you may encounter on the way to the target (for example, you are at a party and offer your favorite dessert). How you respond to them?
- Think of all the problems that can only be imagined. Come up with a decent solution for each of them.
- When you actually encounter any of the problems, carry out their plans.
How was your day today? What about yesterday?
There will be no tomorrow if we do not act Today. How you spend your day - a great indicator of who you are and what will become.
It is not enough just to want a better future. You should know what you want to see the future, and begin to live as of today.
Winners behave like winners long before they start to win. And if you do not start acting like a winner today, you can not win tomorrow.