No excuses: 12 labors Nick Vuychich
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
A life Nick Vuychich like a myth, beautiful, instructive, but an unreal story. Think about it, the boy who was born without legs and arms to '31 - the world-renowned motivational speaker, a happy husband and father. Nick Vujicic has traveled halfway around the world. He has performed at the stadium, and 110 thousand people listened to him. Is it possible?
It happens. If every day to make small feat. We'll tell you about the exploits of Nick Vuychich 12, by which his sincere smile, read: "I am happy."
One of the best ways to get rid of the pain of the past - is to replace it with gratitude.
December 4, 1982. In Dearie Vujcic birth. That's the light will be the first-born. Husband, Boris Vujcic, is present at birth.
It seemed to shoulder. Boris paled and left the clan. Some time later, the doctor came to him.
"Doctor, my son is no hands?" - Boris asked. "Not. Your son has no arms or legs, "- said the doctor.
Parents Nicolas (so-named newborn) knew nothing syndrome "Tetra-Amelia." They did not know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. Mother of 4 months, do not apply a son to his chest.
Gradually parents Nick privykli¸ accepted and loved his son for who he is.
Failure - is the way to mastery.
Leg. So Nick nicknamed single limb on his body. The similarity stops with two fused fingers, then separated surgically.
But Nick said that his "whole leg" - is not so bad. He learned how to write it, print (43 words per minute), use an electric control, make a start on a skateboard.
Not all and not immediately succeed. But when the time came, Nick went to a regular school, along with healthy peers.
When you want to give up his dream, force yourself to work another day, week, month or even one year. You will be amazed at what will happen if you do not give up.
"You do not know how!", "We do not want to be friends with you!", "You're nobody!" - Nick heard these words every day in school.
The focus has shifted: it is no longer proud of what I learned; He hung up on what can never. Hug his wife, to take the child's hand ...
Once Nick asked his mother to carry him to the bathroom. Driven by the thought, "Why me?" The boy tried to drown himself.
"They did not deserve it" - 10-year-old Nick realized that he could not do so with their parents, who are very much like him. Suicide - it's not fair. Unfair to close.
Other people's words and deeds can not determine your identity.
"What happened to you ?!" - not until Nick became world famous, it was the most frequently ask questions.
Seeing a man without arms and legs, people do not hide the shock. Sidelong glances, whispers behind her back, smile - Nick all the answers smile. "All because of cigarettes" - he says very impressionable. And the children jokes: "I just do not clean up in his room ...".
Laugh as much as possible. In everyone's life there are days when the troubles and hardships poured as if from a cornucopia. Do not swear tests. Be grateful to life because it gives you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help in this.
Nick great joker. No hands and feet - life "acted out" it, so why not laugh at it?
Once Nick dressed up in the form of pilot and, with the permission of the airline, met passengers at the landing with the words: "Today we are experiencing a new aircraft control technology... and I'm your pilot."
People who personally know Nick Vucic, said that he had excellent sense of humor. And this quality is known to exclude self-pity.
If you are deeply unhappy, then you do not live your life. Your talents are not used for other purposes.
Nick Vuychich two degrees: accounting and financial planning. He is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. But his main talent - the ability to persuade. In particular, through art.
The first book is called Nick "Life without limits: Inspiration for a good life is absurd" (Translated into 30 languages, published in 2012 in Russian). In 2009, he starred in the short film "The Butterfly Circus" (rating IMDb - 8.10). Story about finding meaning in life.
It is impossible to argue with the fact that madness - it's genius: anyone who is willing to take a risk in the eyes of others seem either mad or a genius.
"Crazy" - many people think, looking like Nick is looking for a wave while surfing or skydiving.
"I realized that the physical dissimilarity limits me only to the extent that I confine myself" - admitted Vujcic once and did not themselves anything to limit.
Nick plays football, tennis, great swims.
Consider the attitude of the world remote control. If the program you are watching, you do not like, you just grab the remote and switch the TV to another program. So it is with the attitude to life: when you are unhappy with the result, change the approach, regardless of what problem you are facing.
At age 19, Nick was invited to speak in front of students of the university, where he studied (Griffith University). Nicholas agreed, went out and spoke briefly about yourself. Many people in the audience were crying, and one girl got up on stage and hugged him.
The young man realized - oratory of his vocation.
Nick Vujicic has traveled 45 countries, met with seven presidents, has performed in front of thousands of spectators. Every day he had dozens of requests for interviews and invitations to give a speech. Why do people want to hear it?
Because his performances are not reduced to the banal: "You got a problem? But you look at me - no arms, no legs, that's one problem! ".
Nick realizes that suffering can not be compared, everyone has their own pain, and does not try to cheer up the people, saying, "compared to me you is not so bad." He's just talking to them.
I do not have hands, and when you hug, then presses the right to the hearts. This is amazing!
Nick admits that, since he was born without hands, never missed them. The only thing it lacks - a handshake. He can not shake hands with anyone.
But he found a way out. Nick hugs people... heart. Once Vujcic even gave hugs Marathon - 1749 people per day, embraced my heart.
If you are open to love, love will come. If you surround your heart wall, love is not.
They met April 11, 2010. In beauty Kanae Miyahara boyfriend, Nick - no hands, no feet. It's not love at first sight. It's just love. True, deep.
February 12, 2012 Nick and Kanae married. Everything is as it should be: a white dress, a tuxedo and a honeymoon in Hawaii.
It is impossible to live a full life if every decision is determined by your fear. Fear will not let you move forward and interfere become what you want. But this is just a mood, a feeling. Fear is not real!
Syndrome "Tetra-Amelia" - hereditary. Nick was not frightened.
February 14, 2013 at Nick and Kanae had a son - Kiyoshi James Vujcic.
All was good with the hope of starting life.
Nick Vujicic - a man without arms and legs. Nick Vujicic - a man who believes in miracles. His linen closet is a pair of shoes. So... just in case. After all, in life there is always room for something more.