Why have we forgotten how incredible our lives?
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Like millions of others, now I get to work in a comfortable metal box, which driven by a controlled explosion of things, the age of which tens of millions of years (you used to call her petrol).
I was able to avoid traffic jams by using huge machines that fly in space and transmit signals Air supercomputer in my pocket that is smaller than a piece of soap (you name it phone). My personal supercomputer has access to all the information available to humanity, and to look for it, I can as fast as you allow me my hands. And almost all of it is free!
And all this absolutely do not care.
At work I have been doing software development, which can only be seen, but you can not touch it, and press different buttons on the keyboard. Somehow, I'm for it also paid.
At the supermarket, I looked at the bananas, which were brought to me by thousands of kilometers, remains fresh, tasty and so cheap that I did not even pay attention to their price. I enjoy the food without thinking about what it might be poisoned, toxic or lethal. I do not have to hunt to get meat, but enough to come to the store and buy a delicious chicken, paying for it a little piece of plastic. If I run out of money, there are entire industries that compete with each other to give me their loan.
I understand that, like many others, I live among miracles. My trip to the supermarket could not have been possible without the work of thousands of people, ranging from engineers and farmers and ending with the cashiers and sellers. Some of these people have the dream job, the dream of the majority of the other, but together - we are prosperous society, which is located on a thousand steps ahead compared to our ancestors, to build huts and cultivate vegetables gardens.
Ideal if our world? Of course not. Many people are exploited and live in miserable conditions and dying. After passing through the slums of Africa, India and South America, I know whereof I speak.
But we are developing and getting better. Take a look at the history of mankind, and you'll see the trend. Draw a graph of women's rights, per capita income or the level of a person's life for the last thousand years. Compare the child's life now and 50 years ago, and you will see how wonderful that they can just live without dying during childbirth or in preparation for war in the age of ten.
These charts will and downs, but the trend is that our world is constantly getting better and is getting better and better in the near future. If you can read this, then you live in an incredible time. But the funny thing is that most of us do not even understand. Do you understand?