10 ways to make sure that you have noticed
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Now, in order to become famous, it is not necessary to run out on the field naked during a soccer match. You just need to properly declare the Internet about themselves and their work, gradually collecting army of fans and admirers. The young writer and artist Austin Kleon in his book "Show your work!"Talks about 10 ways to make sure that you have noticed.
1. Find the "collective genius"
Among the many destructive myths about the creation of the most dangerous - the myth of the "lone genius". He has superhuman abilities and is directly linked with the muse. When inspiration comes to him, it struck him like lightning. Remaining time he spends locked in his studio, where the idea of turning into a masterpiece. Do not believe it.
There is only the "collective genius", and good works - always the result of combining several minds. Now connect to the "collective genius" snap - create online. At the entrance there is no guards, no fences - you do not have to be a celebrity and you will not be asked to show a steep summary. On the Internet, everyone can share something.
2. Find yourself can be only if the search for
We always say, find your voice. When I was younger, I did not fully understand what this means. I thought a lot about the voice, wondering if I have a voice. But now I understand: you can find yourself, if only to look. Voice within us. Talk about what you love, and your voice will follow you.
Everyone has the opportunity to speak, to show themselves, but many do not use it. If you want people to know about you and what's important to you, you should share it.
3. chastises every day
Science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon once said:
90 percent of the total - is nonsense.
The same can be said about our work. The problem is that we do not always know how to distinguish the good from the bad. Therefore, it is important to show the work of others and observe their reaction. Once a day, when you're done, go back to what you have recorded, and find small fragments, which you can share.
4. Do not hide their finds
Where do you find something that inspires you? The more you fill your head? What are you reading? Which sites do you visit? What music do you listen to? Whose work you love? Whose ideas you borrow? Do you have any idols? For whose creativity you watch online? Who serves as an example for you in your field?
The sources of your inspiration worthy that you tell about them, because they help people understand who you are and what you do - and sometimes even better than your actual work.
5. Shut up and listen
If you want you to have the fans in the first place you ought to be a fan. If you want to be accepted by society, you have to do to be a worthy member of this society. Speaking on the Internet only about yourself, you make a mistake. You must be a link.
Writer Blake Butler calls it a "network node to be open." If you want to receive, you have to give. If you want to be recognized, learn themselves. Shut up and listen. Be careful. Be involved. Do not become a walking advertisement. Be open network node.
6. Meet in person
Meeting people on the Internet great, but to become friends in real life - even better. If you have been friends with people on the internet and live in the same city, invite them for a cup of coffee. You can even treat them to dinner. Going on a trip, tell your online friends that will travel in their city. Meet!
7. Learn how to take a punch
When you show your work across the world, you must be willing to "good, bad and evil." The more people see your work, the more criticism will fall on you. Do not lose your balance. Remember that your job is - this is what you do, not what you are. Stay close to family, friends and those who love you for what you have, not only for your work.
8. Load the work itself
Be ambitious. Do not sit idle. Think wider. Increase your audience. Do not limit yourself because of what you need to "be yourself" or "sell themselves."
Try new things. If there is an opportunity in front of you that will allow you more time to do what you like, say "yes." If there is an opportunity that promises more money, but less work you want to do, say "not».
9. Start anew again
If you feel that you have mastered the skills necessary to do your job, it is necessary to change course and find something new that you could learn to move on. You can not be satisfied with the level of their skill; force yourself to become a pupil again and again. Writer Alain de Botton said: "If you are not ashamed of who you were in the past year, you learn bad."
10. Leave to return
Work without interruption - that's great, but there may come a time when your energy runs out and you will need to fill the depleted energy. The best way to recharge - to take a vacation.
Some tips can hurt you. Take what you may need, and the rest forget. There are no rules.