How I Raked out of the pit - a contract with yourself on favorable conditions for me
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
In this photo I am 52 years. I say this not in order to get as much of comments on the topic "What I have done", but because there are no words - "I'm over ...", "late to drink mineral water" or "all is lost." The main thing - to want... and get pleasure from life.
I scraped out of the pit
IN last time I settled on how to cast out all advisers and vowed to find a way to get out of this situation. At that time there was no Internet (mine, anyway), and it was difficult to find an article on "how to hack life." So, in his quest, I rely on intuition.
The first thing I did - looked at myself. The sight was horrible. The apartment, littered with endless souvenirs, clung round the walls and shelves; cluttered with furniture; full of papers, books and things (for the future - suddenly need), sat the hulking overweight person. When the man was held at the close of the cabinets with dishes and utensils unnecessary kitchen and opened the refrigerator stuffed with food, weakness and chronic hunger in his trembling hands. The general condition can be described as follows: the panic and depression. I did not understand what was happening to me, I could not control my life. All around somewhere called, tearing apart: posters on the walls - a vacation in which I could not go on employment; souvenirs, paintings and gifts lingering in each corner - at the time that is no longer possible to go back; refrigerator - to take food and subsequent rest. A voice from the handset insisted that I slid off the sofa, crawled to the table and got to work.
So here's what I did, so as not to be torn apart. I disconnected the phone. Then I set out to destroy everything that I have to something called upon, just with what I was once associated. I delivered the trash souvenirs and gifts, unwanted books and magazines, all the things from the category of "sudden need" (including a bunch of unnecessary clothing); He is thrown out of the house half the furniture; cleaned the kitchen, not only from the trash, but also from food and even dishes, leaving only what is needed per person.
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A few days later I found myself in an empty apartment clean with pristine white walls, the windows of which shone white as virgin snow in February. In the office - desk and desk chair; in the bedroom - the bed and linen closet. On an empty kitchen in front of me it has been disclosed white inside of the refrigerator, where there were only those products that are simple and clear for understanding: milk, eggs, butter, meat, oranges. The white kitchen cupboard - the bread and wine.
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And a miracle happened. faded limiting my border and ragged connecting the communication me. Before, when I went out into the street, a mysterious magnet pulling me back in my "hole". Now my house is empty let me go, and I just wandered through the snow-covered streets (still in their leather boots for the lack of athletic shoes). About speech sport has ever had. But it was important that I suddenly became completely free!
And I was at home waiting for smooth surface of his desk, on which lay a need. Causing conscious clean desktop and white sheet of paper on the surface, I gradually began to understand what the most important in the life of a document I need to make.
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I decided to develop and to sign a contract with yourself on favorable CONDITIONS OF YOURSELF.
That's what I did.
1. JOB
I turn on the phone, but today undertake only what I clearly and understandably. Let me fired, but I absolutely refuse to perform what I inwardly furious. I do not want to live in a rage.
Since I have (like many here) to work "24 hours a day," I nominate yourself a reward as an exit to the street. And not for two hours once a day, and that's this: do something sensible - got up and left. At least five minutes, it does not matter. It does not matter - I work at home or in the office. None of the office right now there are no such ferocious laws that a person can not go out. And not on a smoke break, namely in the street!
From now on, I do not smoke anywhere, especially at your desk. Smoking area homes - a balcony. Very uncomfortable place in the winter; and this is a plus: a long time there is not delayed. Cigarette will also award: for what worked, and then walked across the street. It was in the following order: work - street - a cigarette. As a result, a pack per day decreased to five cigarettes: back from the street, I rushed to the desktop and forget about smoking.
In any case I not izvozhu himself to death, but share a clear distinction between words and eat there. I eat only food I can understand. That is a huge cheburek unknown with nothing and nowhere to replace with something simple, natural, clean, close to nature. But close to nature salad "Tuna with crab, potatoes, mayonnaise, pineapple, apples, eggs, meat chicken and green peas "is replaced by one thing from this list - the eclectic difficult for perception. Say at once: we are not talking about food is scarce, and that the food on the plate was simple to understand.
From today, it is not food, and medicine. The medicine helps in the event that it is dosed in a certain way. And indeed: beer washes the body, dilates blood vessels brandy, wine relieves stress. But only a reasonable, conscious doses.
Put ourselves in a prominent place a photo of yourself in five years, which look and you look up to. This may be a Brad Pitt or a person whom I admire; but today the date of the contract is five years later I am. You may laugh, but the body in some incomprehensible way, reads a matrix with my ideal, applying it to yourself.
(This point I made when he lived more than one.)
I promise not to drag his wife (and a year later his son) in his exciting game, but on a personal example will show that the way I live, to live useful and interesting. Do not retract because our biorhythms can not match. From the beginning we have agreed she goes out when it is convenient; I go out when it is convenient to me. If our walks the same, it is a great happiness. But in no case does not stand by the door and not to moan: "Maybe it will go?! Look how cool it "The same goes for eating together - this is the most piquant point in family relations:" How!!! You will not have my cake!!! You do not love me and never loved, "we decided from the very beginning: no action" for the company. " Together only if our desires are the same.
Six months later, among the same as I, pot-bellied, I was known as a man "nekompaneyskim" because he did not drink, did not smoke and did not visit the bar "for the company." At the same time I started to work very productively, and energy street enough for you to run a couple of meters. It was then that I met and those same athletes that shouted: "Man, if you want to run, buy shoes!"
And I went to get sneakers.
The moral of this story is simple: everything that surrounds us is also within us, in our soul. Chaos around us creates havoc within our bodies. Our body can not function properly in the chaos.
© Yuri Balabanov