5 ways to fight Internet addiction
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Copyright Shutterstock
A little more - and Internet addiction will need to make in today's list of common bad habits along with smoking and overeating. You do not find the strength to break away from "friends" ribbon in the social network, and every 10-15 minutes, check the Twitter (and at the same time - and Instagram)? Congratulations: Internet addiction is already "came to visit 'to you. Expel it or leave - the decision is yours. I suggest you consider 5 simple ways to overcome the new dependencyWithout resorting to any sophisticated techniques or the help of a psychologist.
router settings: Let's start with time management - virtually every modern wireless router can be configured to be turned on / off at a specific time of day. Set yourself a frame: for example, if you work at home, the router, distributing the wireless network Internet access should be included in the 9 or 10 in the morning and off at 18:00. In this case, a cable TV connection or a hard disk for torrents will work without any problems; but you will not be "hanging in its web," flipping endlessly and social networks of the page.
Labor and exercise: At least 1-2 hours a day should be allocated to training, running, walking, walking, physical exercises, work at home - it does not matter to something, so your muscles, heart, lungs and circulatory system will get a modest but necessary loading, the eyes - rest, and the brain - the emotional and mental unloading.
Required offline-Day: Once a week / every 2 weeks you should have a "day without the Internet." On this day, you can read, sleep, get out of the house, travel, meditate, eat, dance, walk - do anything, but do not include the Internet, do not check email, do not respond to calls and messages and do not even try to "tweet" some random thoughts through smartphone. Completely disconnected from all these gadgets and screens; look around, stay in the flow of life, and not in the flow of messages, statuses, emoticons and links.
Trip / travel / tours: The road - the way not only to see new places and meet new people, but at least for a few hours / days to stay a normal person, not a "connected to the Internet" character.
Reading paper books: At least 1 hour a day, scroll to read books. Do not like fiction - read professional. I do not like the book business - read poetry. Select a genre, author or theme to your liking - and read. Reading enriches you, makes you more interesting to the public and the integrity of the - for himself. In no case do not replace the Internet procrastination view series: it is simply the "lesser of two evils."