Why not share your goals with others
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
He praises only sometimes interfere
Last name Wright brothers today first comes to mind when starting a conversation about the birth of aviation. However, in due time, they were considered outsiders. Once the majority of Americans supported the astronomer and physicist Samuel Langley.
He was considered an authority and spoke aloud about his ambitions. Nevertheless, it was the brothers managed to make the first manned flight, a famous scientist failed.
Perhaps Wright beat can be explained by their passionate enthusiasm for business, intrinsic motivation and the lack of praise. While Langley praised for the ambitious plans and achievements, which he has not yet committed to the brothers, no one paid attention.
When we are praised for their intention, it seems to us that we have already won. This reduces the likelihood that we will continue to strive for the goal.
This writes the psychologist Peter Golluittser. According to his researchWhen Intentions Go Public., A message to others about the purpose of which is closely linked to our identity, reduces the likelihood of achieving it.
For example, you want to drink more water and talk to friends and family about it. This is unlikely to significantly affect the outcome, because the desire not to do with your self-image.
But if your goal is - grow thin 20 kg, it is better not to write about it in social networks. Speaking about the plans and earned him praise, you already feel successful and to throw the undertaking.
You can increase your chances of success
Identify your fears
Entrepreneur, writer and investor Tim Ferriss advises first understand what fears can stand in your way to the goal.
Let's say you want to start a business. Record fears that are connected with it. For example: to lose all their money, losing the basic work, become a laughing stock in the eyes of others.
Then think about how you can prevent these events or to reduce the probability of their occurrence. For example, for the first fear: "I will put only X thousand, so do not lose everything." And at the end of write, what to do if your fears still become a reality.
For example, to compensate for the lost amount, you will be temporarily earn bartender. In this way you get rid of the fears that hold you back on the path to the goal.
Surround yourself with competitors
Recently, scientists have testedSupport or competition? How online social networks increase physical activity: A randomized controlled trialHow competition affects the achievement of the objectives. To this end, 800 students of the University of Pennsylvania for 11 weeks participated in the training program, where every play or alone, or in a team. Some teams were based on the support, and the other - on the competition.
It turned out the students in groups based on competition, 90% more likely to come to class than all the others.
From this we can conclude that the level of competition increases commitment to its goal. In this case, you do not need to talk about it. Do not tell those with whom you train together, you want to lose weight. Put yourself in the competition conditions. So it will be easier to deal with and hard not to miss a workout. And this is what will help to achieve the desired.
see also🧐
- How to teach your teenager to achieve the desired: the myths and the truth about setting goals
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