3 unexpected ways to push themselves to the correct decision
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Every day, we stumble on their own bad decisions and losing excellent prospects, with one's tail between the legs to step forward. We are playing against the circumstances, fear of change and short-sightedness. To overcome them on their own is not easy, so do not do without a few tricks. Here are three unusual but potentially effective way, how to make decisions more carefully and independently.
1. Dim the lights to soothe emotions
Emotions are bad for our solutions. When a person is experiencing strong feelings, his choice usually depends too much on the fact that he believes it is important right now. In the future it may come back to haunt.
How to eliminate emotions when making decisions? Researchers from the University of Toronto offer simple elegant trick - dim the lights. Scientists have conducted six experimentsAlison Jing Xua, Aparna A. Labroo.Incandescent Affect: Turning on the Hot Emotional System with Bright Light. , Which showed that bright light increases the positive and negative reactions.
In the study, two groups of test subjects were seated in two rooms: with good and poor lighting. After that, the participants expressed their wishes and experiences from several diverse things: whether spicy-hot food or sexuality fictional character. In the room with abundant light reactions were more intense.
Output. If you are facing a dilemma and do not want emotions prompted you to irrational decisions, try to darken the light. On the other hand, if you sell a product that is associated with emotional tensions, such as wedding rings, do not be greedy with light. Bright lights "warm up" buyers and customize them to buy.
2. Watch for items by rotating in a clockwise direction, to make it easier to decide on a new
Many people are not willing to change in your life. This behavioral effect is called status quo bias. Here's how it describes "Wikipedia»:
Status quo bias - one of the cognitive distortions, manifested in the tendency of people to wish that things were about the same, that is to maintain the status quo. The effect arises due to the fact that the damage from the loss of the status quo is perceived as greater than the potential benefit when a change to an alternative.
Everyday situation: for years we do not change the tariff plan on the cell phone, and older people pay for utility services at the post office. It seems to be possible to do better, but too lazy to go protoronnoy track.
How to get over fear new? A group of German researchers from the University of Würzburg recommends a little strange move - look at any object, rotating clockwise.
Scientists have conducted a series of experimentsSascha Topolinski, Peggy Sparenberg.Turning the Hands of Time. Clockwise Movements Increase Preference for Novelty. and found that the monitoring of the movement of things "up" over time, pushing people to new experiences and impressions. Conversely, the preferred experimental proven path if followed counter-clockwise.
In one test, people spinning tray on which lay a variety of sweets. If the rotation was going on a course of hours, the test subjects chose the most unusual tastes for yourself if counterclockwise - familiar.
In general, researchers confirmed their hypothesis that rotate clockwise affects the subconscious of people. Habitual direction is connected with the progress and the future, rather the opposite - with perseverance and past.
Output. Before you succumb to prejudices and stay in your own cocoon, just hold your gaze on the face of the analog clock. So you will increase your self-esteem and feel more open, brave man.
3. Wait until you want to use the toilet, to break the bank
Who does not risk his own reputation, that does not remove the cream! Non-standard proof of the old wisdom found Dutch scientists from the University of Groningen. They argue that a full bladder pushes tuned to long-term planning.
Some participants in the experimentMirjam Tuk.Full Bladder, Better Decisions? Controlling Your Bladder Decreases Impulsive Choices. drank 750 milliliters of water, while others - only a couple of sips. 40 minutes later, water is moved from the stomach to the bladder, and then the fun began. Eight guinea suggested business schemes, each of which involves some award after a certain time. For example, people could get $ 16 tomorrow or $ 30 within a month. In general, the greater the exposure, the sweeter bonus.
It might seem that the unpleasant pressure in the bladder will hasten people to easy and quick profit. Something like the effect of "ego depletion", when a person has come to an end for the power of self-control, and it becomes vulnerable to temptation. However, the reality turned out to be quite different: a profitable long-term strategy is preferred by people with "full tank".
Output. If you do not know how to dispose of blood savings, drink a bottle of water and wait for the natural urge to turn on your brain to the fullest. This will happen automatically, unconsciously.