How to do more with emotions: three tips, inspired by science
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
You write yourself a list of things, but do not perform any of his plans. And it goes on and on. Why is this happening? Why are we so good at planning things, but it is impossible to comply with them? The problem is that you are missing an important point - do not consider their emotions.
The error of all production systems
productivity systems rarely take into account the emotional factor. But feelings - is the foundation of all our actions, and it can not be ignored. So how people, when faced thoughts and feelings, the latter almost always wins.
And we can not fight against my feelings, on the contrary, by trying to confront the feelings they become stronger. And it's not just words - it's a fact, proven by experiment.
From the book by Oliver Berkman "Antidote: Happiness for those who can not tolerate positive thinking»:
"The participants of the experiment were told about a sad event and asked them to try not to feel sad feelings. As a result, they feel worse than those who could safely be sad without any restrictions.
In another experiment, when patients suffering from panic attacks, listening to soothing music, their heartbeat quickens, in contrast to patients who listened to audiobooks simple without any imposed calm.
This also applies during bereavement: if a person tries not to mourn for the dead, it needs more time to recover.
Our mental effort as useless and in terms of sex, people who are forbidden to think about sex, feel more excited, than those who did not get a ban on such thoughts. "
The idea is clear, but that this power of emotion means for motivation? Emotions - it is an integral part of any plan. Focus on emotions. Knowledge alone is not enough to change. Make people (or yourself) feel something.
I thought we need to make a plan, but to carry it out, we need emotions.
If the mental part of you is ready, it's time to move on to the senses. How to do it? Here are three steps.
1. Stay positive
When we prokrastiniruem most? When we are in a bad mood.
From the book of Daniel Axt "Temptation: We are looking for self-control in an age of excess»:
"It turns out that procrastination just depends on the mood, like other habits, and we are more prone to it, when we think that this will help improve your mood. Among the students most prone to procrastination, those who are in a bad mood and believes that some entertainment to help cope with grief. "
Meanwhile, research shows that happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful. What in military recruits are taught to strengthen their mind in the face of difficulties? No, not fighting. Optimism.
But how can you think in a positive way, if there is no joy and interest? There is one remedy: Track your progress in any business, and rejoice in it.
Teresa Amabile study proved that nothing motivates a person as their own success.
Teresa Amabile from the book "Progress Principle: Using a small victories for pleasure, engagement and creativity at work»:
"This model - what we call the principle of progress: of all the positive experiences that affect the work of a man the most important thing - his progress. And the most negative events can be called a failure and stagnation in the work. We believe that this is one of the basic management principles: to promote the progress of the employee best to help improve its productivity performance. "
So, negative emotions and thoughts will no longer impede you and make prokrastinirovat, but force yourself to move forward?
2. Get an award
Awards induce positive emotions, fines - negative. That is why both of these factors strongly influence the motivation to work. The study found that three-fourths of all that we do is done for some sort of reward.
From the book by David Niven "100 Simple Secrets of Successful People»:
"The researchers found that self-interest and the expected reward - these are the main factors affecting the full benefit and involvement in the work. Together, these factors account for 75% of the individual's personal motivation to develop. " Dickinson 1999
So Reward yourself for each case made from the list. Yes, it's reminiscent of dog training, but it really works.
If you have problems in order to find a reward, you can try way to the obligations. Give a trusted friend 2–3 thousand rubles. If you do the job until five o'clock in the evening, she returns each you money. If not - will lose their money, or some of them.
After that, your list will indeed be charged with emotion. Still would! The loss of their money will not leave anyone indifferent.
So, let's say you already feel positive and appointed himself rewards and penalties. What else is needed? What about complaints, compliments and feelings of guilt?
3. Peer pressure
one study It proved that by peer pressure children benefit more than suffering. The experiment dealt with children, but for adults it is also suitable. Because in fact adults - it's just big kids who have to be "adults" most of the time.
Try to create their environment from people to whom you want to be like. It makes it much easier than to force yourself to fulfill your to-do list.
From the book by Charles Duhiggsa "The power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business»:
"When people join the group, in which the changes are perceived as something very real, they are more likely to change ourselves."
The project "Longevity», Which has been tested for more than 1 000 people in the period of youth and until his death, I found that a group of people with whom you yourself embody determines what kind of person you will become.
Thus, if you want to improve, for example, the health, the best way to change - start to associate themselves with other healthy people. And one friendship study It proves it:
"Over time, your eating habits, taking care of their health, and even plans about career will come to match your environment. If you are in a group of people with really high demands and plans, as you set high standards for themselves. "
So, we have learned all three methods to help engage with procrastination. How to apply them all together and finally start doing something?
You have already written to-do list today? Fine. Now the most efficient thing you can do - to stop being rational. It is time for emotions:
- Be positive.
- Assign yourself a reward.
- Focus on the environment.
You will succeed. In fact, the belief that you can - this is the very first step.
You need to convince yourself that you motivate people, ready to productivity records. research prove that a person's thoughts about themselves are crucial to its success.
From the book by David Niven "100 Simple Secrets of Successful People»:
"For most people who participated in the study, the first step to improve their performance on the job is not in the work itself, but the fact that they think of themselves. for inEighth out of ten people how they evaluate their productivity, it means much more than the actual performance. " Gribble 2000
Still do not know where to start? Here's an idea: Now tell us about the post two friends and try to play in the "commitments and obligations" - to give each other a certain amount of money and return for completed cases.
Together to fight procrastination is much more fun (paragraph 1) will be a reward in the form of money that is returned to you (item 2), and will be an environment that also tends to change (paragraph 3).