Why do you never need to meet with businessmen
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
This remarkable publication caught us in the eye VK.com. The author explains why it is reasonable in matters of relationships or building a family is best to avoid people who are engaged in business, and they prefer "simple romantic, brave aviators and sailors."
For girls image businessman looks something like this: successful, the money, generous, a good car, running a little, a lot of rest, everything in his life well. But…
In reality it is quite different. You will encounter many difficulties and problems, and many times will regret that you have chosen not imagine another man.
Memorize and better burn.
Businessman - this is not a profession
To begin, understand, a businessman - this is not a profession but a way of life and thinking. What's the negative? It's very simple. The fact that when a person has a profession, some one session (musician, artist, engineer), he thinks in the same vector, roughly know what to expect from him. Businessman same - it's a kind of set is not clear that all the time he is trying, experimenting, it is completely unpredictable. And it can be in terms of nice gifts it is also good, but in terms of everything else for most girls it will be a lot of stress.
businessman character
Further, the nature. There is no business with a slight sweet temper. A businessman character is very heavy, demanding behavior, often uncompromising. In business or in any way. Here you can not give up the slack or allow compromises. It would be naive to think that in business one man and the other at home. For the businessman does not happen switch "work / home"... and this should be a problem ...
Schedule businessman
Businessman ALWAYS works! Even when he is not working, it's working. Even when he is resting, it works. Even when he was on a date gives you flowers and says nice things, it works. Business - an ongoing process of the brain. Businessman can not disconnect from work like other people. He constantly need to all to think, to keep under control, calculate the possible situations. Moreover, when it is not in the works, he analyzes everything that's going on and trying to pass it to your business. Business for a businessman - this is a virus that can not be cured.
When a businessman on a date gives you flowers and says nice things, it works.
A businessman is no weekday or weekend. All the days of working for him. Moreover, there is the concept of early / late or morning / evening for him. There is the concept of "time convenient for the transaction / negotiation / business, etc." And if it considers that to meet convenient 3 Sunday night, he would go to this meeting.
Home value of businessman
For a businessman important thing in life - his business. And this must be understood. Yes, of course, when a wife and children, then there are other values, but up to this point, the main business only. Yes, in fact children and a business for him. Relationship with a girl for a businessman - this is about an investment in a startup. Very risky, not the fact that work, so in the early stages, we are willing to put a high degree of probability that the business (the family) will not work. Therefore, though a businessman and willing to devote time and attention to this "project", but much smaller than the main to their work / business.
When she thinks that the businessman a lot of money, it is likely not to suggest that most of the money he will never spend on clothes, gifts, etc. Even his salary in the millions, he will spend only a small portion of that money on recreation and entertainment, much of it will return in a business or invest in other projects. Businessman thinks creatively. Waste of money - this is not the creation of its concept. So when you see a coat for 100 thousand rubles, and think about how nice you look at it, the businessman sees this coat 2-4 salaries of its employees, or loss of profits of 15% or more per annum Female, with a possible increase in capitalization business.
Let us return to the work schedule. As I wrote, for a businessman is not everyday or weekend for him every day work. Therefore it is useless to ask him to spend the weekend with you, if it decided to work. Plus a businessman trying to think of the issue of efficiency. Therefore, it is likely to decide that it is much more profitable to work a couple of months without any days off, and then on the other hand a rest under the full program for 1-2 weeks in warm countries. Therefore, get used to this schedule. But in any case, do not forget that on holiday it will work.
"For you business is more important than me?"
Extremely rare businessman disconnected from the business process. And I repeat, for the businessman it is the most important thing in life. And do not try to provoke him with questions like: "For you business is more important than me," if you do not want to get an honest answer. He would seem to be close, but you will feel lonely.
Friendship eyes businessman
Businessman rarely meets with his friends, unless it is necessary to discuss the case. Even more rarely, he is willing to meet friends girl. Because he thinks efficiency. To find out what's up, just call. To chat with someone, do not give the valuable information that can be useful in the future - it is inefficient. And it definitely will not be every week to ride with you to your parents "visit them", since it is that?! That's right - is ineffective.
When a businessman find peace?
Business - it is always developing. Any target is an intermediate, the ultimate goal is not. Therefore, the businessman never get enough in their passion for the business. But to you girl, his passion can easily fade away.
Businessman loves development and diversity. In this lies the main problem for a family with a businessman. You will be very difficult to surprise him, and you always have to improve. And many people think that it's easy. Maybe, but not lifelong.
What does he want from you?
Do not believe a businessman who wants to close was just a beautiful girl and a suit the comfort of home. Nonsense! Will need comfort - hire a governess, will need food - hire a cook. He needs something more... and that is - it sometimes does not know because he is always on the lookout.
It is also important to understand. For businessmen are hunting a huge number of girls, they kind of "top model" men only. In men, the most prized intelligence and ability to provide for his family and offspring, which is why businessmen are always in the center of female attention. And in order to not only fight against it, but also to keep, you need to try very hard. And yes, I remember, it only needs you, he does not need you to keep the main goal for him is his business, not you.
Girls, I can tell you many more reasons why you should not meet with businessmen, but spend more time on this record than I spent, for me, completely ineffective.
So... Make your own conclusions from what I have already told you.
It was the story of the man's face Now I probably should say how it looks with my, that is a female, the bell tower. About the work - this is true of virtually all 100%. He always works! I can not say that I am married to a super-fashionable businessman, but he still works constantly, because he loves his job. If he first appeared work, not me, me, perhaps he would never have been.
"When a businessman on a date gives you flowers and says nice things, it works." - but it's true! It works always. Jump in the middle of the night and run to your computer to record your ideas or look for something - this is quite normal in our family situation.
It can work on my birthday (as it was last time) or be on a business trip for our wedding anniversary. He may forget to buy a gift for me ahead of time and brought home something that bought myself, but then turns out to be a holiday, and the situation we have to somehow get out. Accordingly, the gifts his friends and family, I buy too.
And anyway, my family is not the three persons (mother, friend and lover), like any other woman, and four - I also personal assistant, as a constant reminder of what you need to do, with whom he had a meeting and that he wanted to do to tell.
I can already read quite seminars or courses in advance of Internet- projects and content policies, because all the ideas roll around on me. I play the role of the training audience, to which expressed new thoughts and ideas. He can call me, when I went with the child to the sea, and 20 minutes to talk about what's new and what he learned to think, but at the end of the conversation say something like: "Oh, how cool! I'm talking to you, as he walked from the bank to the house. You though, would not leave and nowhere! Come on, I'll call you later, too, when I go to a meeting?! There are a couple of interesting ideas that you want to edit before you submit the client... "
Finally, I would like to say that if you decide to get married to a businessman, your main rival is not any colleague, and work. Yes, she's darling. And in order to stay for my husband's interesting, you need to forget about the rest and to catch up with him, to learn, to study, to learn and never stop. You are now in the same boat and you need to look in one direction. This does not mean that now there is no "I", but only "we." But this is your "I" should weigh a lot more than before.
This contest, baby, and if you relax, stay far behind. And it's very, very, very interesting. If you have any common interests, you will never be bored. And yes, you will always have three - you, he and his work. But now this work is also your;)