27 things for which the businessman should be grateful
His Work Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Derek Andersen, The founder of a large start-up community Startup Grind, once one day before the day of Thanksgiving made for himself a list of the things for which he is grateful to his life. We followed in his footsteps and transplanted the fruits of his reflection in the domestic soil. Maybe this list will be closer to those who are working on some personal project, but read it all useful.
Many people underestimate the importance of gratitude in life. It is important to say "thank you" to his family, loved ones and close friends for everything: for support in difficult times, for understanding, for a cheerful evening for dinner cooked. And it is equally important to thank life itself, Providence itself and its activity - call it what you like - for what you have in the moment.
Way modern entrepreneur - not an easy choice, burdened obstacles, losses, risks. But at the same time, this option provides a rare chance to get all that eager to do it. In moments of adversity and trials is not worth succumb to apathy, to allow yourself to think that life is passing, and you have nothing, everything is bad and it will last forever. At such moments, you just sit back and remember the good that already you have. And it is precisely there. Fill yourself with gratitude for it. And then back your good mood and will power to accomplish new things.
So, if you have a business, then you need to be grateful for the fact that:
- You work until the morning, and you still love it.
- Your spouse supports you in your occupation, despite all the risks and uncertainties that are inevitably associated with doing business.
- There are products such as the MacBook, Basecamp, Google Apps, «Yandex. SDA "," Elba "," My business "," button "and even 1C, which make your work easier and more comfortable (yes, even 1C).
- You need not be strictly in the office from 9:00 to 18:00.
- Customers transfer money to your bank account of.
- You always pay salaries, rent and taxes on time, without delay.
- When your company has a sales problem, my friends, "you throw circle" by buying something.
- You can manage your company with the help of only one laptop.
- Parents are proud of you and your business.
- Your kofaundery his example move you to the best.
- You can do the business that you want.
- There are books such as Rework, "and botanists do business", "Steve Jobs".
- Your success is measured not by the number of businesses, and their quality.
- Your engineers do not behave like goats. :)
- Your managers versed in modern technology and do not ask stupid questions engineers.
- Investors and security holders are aware that their viewpoint is not only correct.
- You will meet people who help you without expecting anything in return.
- Clients send you a thank-you letters.
- Clients pay you for your products.
- Have you ever been accused of wrapping and buying traffic for your site.
- Your children love you, despite the fact that you go early in the morning and return late at night.
- Your product takes a segment of the market.
- Are you familiar with the rich people who do not boast of their wealth.
- Customers make your life easier, not more difficult.
- There are entrepreneurs who are ready to sleep in my car or on the chairs in the office, if it will help bring their product to success.
- There are people who never give up.
- Your company is alive and well and even thrives. You can confidently say that it will continue for a day, week, month ...
Is this not happiness?