Desktop Management: How to be a genius at work and home
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Want to know how to find great ideas for their projects and personal life? I'll show you how to do it in this detailed article.
Why, when you need to, it's hard to be a genius?
You frequent the thought that time would have to change something, and one of the items on the list is "to create something worthwhile," work on what will breathe new life.
But as soon as we sit down to sketch out on paper a plan to capture the world, our brain begins to rebel, and we can not "catch" in my head of any judgment, even though until recently one of us beat a fountain of original ideas.
Where are all sensible thoughts?
It is also interesting that these "tricks" do not only occur with global ideas and make us recognized the "great", but also with things smaller scale.
It seems to be that it is worth to come up with an original gift to a friend for his birthday, but our brain refuses to think and provide us with innovative solutions.
And what about the new articles for the site? Until we sat down at the letter in our head hovered a lot of sensible ideas, but as soon as his fingers touched the keyboard, imagination sharply narrowed the border to the hackneyed and banal subjects.
Why, when you need it, so hard to find an original solution?
And the question now is not even that is the reason for this strange behavior of the brain, and whether we can fix it?
False facts about the brain that we are investing in since high school
Materials on the theme of creativity and the search for new ideas in abundance (as, in principle, and on other topics), but the question is whether they are plausible, and whether they can be trusted?
So one day, some "smart" people assumed that the earth is flat, and with it the false beliefs people have lived for a thousand years.
Today we are driven into his head that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right for creativity and creative. And the most interesting thing is that our children are taught and developed on the basis of this assumption, although scientists have long known that it is a myth.
For "scattered" creative and logical ability to meet the many areas of the brain over the entire area.
And these myths are quite a few.
Let's say, another modern myth is that our brain is fully formed in his youth, and no matter how try to change it into adulthood, nothing will not help.
Hence it originated the false belief that the brain with age "kosteneet" and "push" in the new information it is no longer possible (for example, learn a foreign language in forty years).
But at the same time there documented scientific evidence proving the fact that our brain is plastic and can form new neural connections at any age.
This means that a person of any age can improve the ability of your brain to think creatively, occasionally encouraging him to do so.
And then, when you come across on the eye such inconsistent data, you start to wonder whether it is worth believe something that is not supported by any evidence and is, in fact, only the opinion of one person or group people?
I decided long ago that, in matters of their personal development I rely only on scientific data and no esoteric and assumptions.
And therefore I decided to conduct their own research to find out what actually affects the ability of our brain to think creatively. And, as discussed below, it is based on the research and experiments of scientists and psychologists from around the world.
How does our brain?
Nature came to a man is very clever, whenever a question hangs over us, or is the problem, requiring our attention, the first thing the brain does, it scans the entire past experience of the presence of the already known solutions.
This is very useful for everyday life, just think, without this, we would have every day coming up with a new way tie shoelaces or boil eggs.
And so, once having learned, we use this experience throughout their lives, even without focusing on this account, thus freeing the head for other thoughts. From the point of view of nature, a habit to rely on past experience, an informed and wise decision.
But... if you look at it from a different angle, from the perspective of the search for new ideas, the thinking, limited by past experience, it is a serious barrier to creativity.
For example, try to tie shoelaces original way, as soon as you start thinking, you will quickly find that your brain will "slip" all the same familiar components and bows.
Or another example, try to come up with original material for a new article, and wonder how in the the head will pop up text passages and excerpts from articles by other authors that you have recently read.
And yet, despite all this, the world is full of original ideas. But there are people who come up with all this. But how do they manage to go beyond the boundaries of your past experience?
Why do you have bursts of brain activity when the head of the literally "will hear and" ideas, and there are prolonged periods when you can not "squeeze" out of himself nothing worth?
Let's see how creative you can be ...
In our brain there is a nervous formation, the scientists call it "Reticular activating system"(Abbreviated PAC). This system is involved in sorting incoming information. PAC - a kind of filter that separates the important, at the moment, the information from any other, which is of no value.
To understand how this system works, here are a few examples.
Lost a thing, but just remember that just recently she catches the eye, but that's where it was, until the information you do not have access. The explanation is as follows when you saw her, the degree of importance of this thing was equal to zero, so the PAC "archived" all information regarding this stuff, left only in the memory of "name" folder.
The next situation.
The crowd lost a friend and trying to find it, to facilitate the search process, the PAC focuses on your perception of the distinctive features of this person (Appearance, voice, clothing, accessories), and all other information: unfamiliar faces, noises, etc., is not covered by the specified parameters filters.
One last example.
I bought a new thing, and once you start to notice it from the people around you. Since the purchase, once the item has received the status of "important", the PAC starts passing information related to it until your consciousness.
If it were not for the PAC, we would have gone mad from information overload.
What does this have to do with creativity?
In simple words, the PAC brain adjusts to a certain frequency of thinking and allows you to extract the thoughts in the right direction.
For example, if we want to solve the arithmetic problem, then it is expected that the brain is thinking formulas and mathematical theorems, but not a philosophical statement.
In order to "stir up" his mind, the first thing you need to do is set up a PAC on the desired frequency of thinking, that is, set the correct parameters.
How to tune in to the desired frequency of thinking?
To do this, in sit down and think about the question or, as they say, the problem try "to the tooth" for some time. By their actions, we are "assigning" the question marked "IMPORTANT" and the PAC starts "in the background" to scan past experience and what is happening around the presence of which would help to find a solution.
It takes quite a bit of time in my head begin to "knock" of the idea, the surroundings leads to new thoughts, his eyes suddenly come across an instruction and the puzzle gradually begins to take shape.
We are used to much regarded as an accident (such as only thought about it, and here his eyes the whole article on this topic got), but most likely is the result of the PAC.
All that was always there, just to a certain point in this was not necessary, and PAC shore brain from unnecessary information overload.
Why geniuses alcoholics and drug addicts?
Think back to when we visit the best ideas?
This occurs most often in those moments, when we do not expectWhen our brain was overwhelmed at first, and then "released" to think about everything. For example, the insights come on their way home after a busy day, taking a shower after a heavy load, during a meeting with old friends and during other types of activities that do not require us to particular mental efforts and bring a sense of pleasure and satisfaction.
The tendency to think creatively in the above conditions is not an accident or a feature of one person, but common to all men.
One of the important ingredients which promotes creative thinking, is a hormone dopamine. Without going into details, the dopamine is responsible for ensuring that provide us with a sense of fun and happiness after a delicious meal, the work performed, winning favorite football team.
And the most important thing!
People differ in terms of their creative abilities, depending on the amount of dopamine produced.
I, for example, for a long time I notice that my head begin to "bombard" the original ideas immediately after I performed the "excellent" all the problems put before, and with a clear conscience rest.
I even have a sign, if there is a sense of pride in their work, then wait for new ideas.
Opening of dopamine and its properties enabled us to explain why some men of genius - alcoholics and drug addicts.
If the in vivo production of dopamine promote processes that allow us to relax and feel happy, the use of psychotropic drugs can increase the normal rate of 5-10 time.
The more dopamine, so we are more creative.
This is not a call to use drugs, my task is to explain the nature of things.
How to catch an insight?
If our ability to think creatively is directly dependent on the amount of hormone produced dopamine, the increasing number of things and measures which may have a feeling of joy and happiness, we "overclock" your brain and increase the probability to get a good idea.
Therefore, if we hope to get some inspiration while sitting on the workplace, it thus drastically reduces their chances, simply because trying to "stretch" your brain. It is better to go out and do something that will give pleasure.
9 quickest ways to "drive" your brain
The question remains how to improve the brain's ability to think creatively?
Tips on this subject very much, but I have selected for your personal use only, the efficiency of which is proved by experiment.
#1. Think in another person's plane
One of the factors that block creativity are existing in our head knowledge and experience.
I am trying to compose a new tune, the musicians say that their head is "hammered" already known melodies and brain offers simply remake, instead, to offer something new.
Investigating this phenomenon, scientists have conducted an interesting experiment.
They asked a group test to draw newcomers (very difficult to draw a "unique" alien and usually it comes down to "green men"). But in the first case, the problem was to draw alien to its own history, which "artist" will write in the future. It turned out that most of the painted "creatures" is simply a variation of terrestrial animals with pririsoval alien limbs. In the second case, the researchers have been asked to draw an alien for a story to write is already someone else. And in this case, the "heroes" of the future of the novel has already acquired more exclusive features.
The findings, made by scientists who are reduced to the following pattern:
When the thought of another person in the plane, the flight of thought is much broader.
Perhaps because you see the situation from the outside.
For example, it's difficult to give yourself advice on how to write the following interesting article for your personal blog, though I wrote them several dozen, but if it is I will ask the other person, I "flunked" his tips.
Advice others give easier than himself.
Therefore, one of the best ways found by scientists to enhance their flow of creativity - to pretend that you do something for someone else.
This approach allows us to look at things more abstractly and from different angles at the same time avoiding past experience.
#2. Make something that goes beyond the "normal" life
I remember how back in school, I said to myself that all talented people, whether it's great inventors or a neighbor's party, a little bit (if not all) countries.
For example, Nikola Tesla slept 2-3 hours a day, Beethoven was deaf. And all the other people whose names have gone down in history, always been a feature of behavior or trait that distinguished them from the ordinary people.
On this subject even conducted studies, as a result, it was concluded that in most cases Biography brilliant people included some unusual experience that goes beyond the "normal" way of life.
For example, many talented people were found injured or their life experiences included some tragic event, such as loss of a parent at an early age.
Be sure there was something that caused a shock.
Of course, it is not necessary to hurt themselves physically or morally, to acquire the ability to creatively think, the scientists also found that creative people stand out against the other, and even the existence, in large amount, custom-life experience.
That is to say, the experience situations that are rare in the life of an ordinary man. These situations may include anything that goes beyond the "normal" life.
For example, William Maddox and Adam Galinsky by a series of experiments established that living abroad contributes to the development of creative thinking.
For example, I try as often as possible to do something unusual, something I had never done before. For example, recently I bought a bike and biking arrange themselves at 30-50 km; I work in the forest and do many other things that allow you to break the habitual way of life.
As soon as a way of life begins to come into the habit, and every day repeat the same events, which means that you are "stuck."
Addictive and stagnation - killer creative thinking.
In 2012, the the researchers found that the more experience in different areas of life, the more flexible thinking inherent in man. And the experience acquired in unusual situations, helping to push the envelope pattern of thinking.
The more your day like one another, the less your ability for creative ideas.
But here you need to understand one important thing, the word "unusual" means the custom is for you and not for anyone else. Other people can do it almost every day (for example, to jump with a parachute), but if you specifically have not done, then it goes to the credit.
The conclusion is, invent ways to "shock" your brain, create an unusual situation, and breaks the habitual patterns of life, create your own original and unconventional life quests.
#3. Release your mind wander
Scientists from the University of Leiden, led by Lorenzo Kolzato, in the course of the experiments found that meditation promotes the development of creative thinking.
But there is one more important thing!
Not every technique is equally useful. The researchers found that the most effective model for the development of creative abilities is "open" meditation when you "pass" through all the thoughts and feelings, without focusing on anything in particular, you have let your mind wander.
Meditation is to focus on some thought or mantra has had no significant effect on the ability to generate new ideas.
This study once again proves the fact that the need to "let go of" your mind to search for innovative solutions, and not forcibly compel him to think about the impending questions or concerns.
By the way, meditation - it does not necessarily sit in the lotus position staring at one point, you can just take a walk or relax in the chair, the main thing is not to strain your brain and provide him with complete freedom.
#4. Limit yourself in every way possible
article of productivity I have given examples of studies showing that "deadlines" (time limit) lead to an increase in efficiency, that is to say, in such circumstances, the brain is forced to set priorities and determine that it is necessary to do now, and what can be set aside.
Restrictions are working not only in the benefit of productivity, but also to enhance the creative ability of the brain.
Look, there's a big difference between simply to write a story on the free theme and write a story on a given topic, for example about grocery store robbers, who had fled from his pursuers to children bicycles.
How our brain works in the first case?
The brain is faced with an infinite number of options available, and instead focus on a specific topic, it begins to analyze what the topic is better to choose and why.
The process of selecting "sucks" in our energy in large quantities, and this leads to a "ego depletion"And the ability to make" informed "decision. Ultimately, the brain stops for a trivial subject, which is familiar or which is full of material, simply because this topic is easier to work.
And we say to ourselves once again "Okay, this time I'll write something simpler, but come up with something the next time the original». But next time everything is repeated again.
The wider the choice, the harder it is given the brain a decision, and, eventually, he starts looking for the shortest path and, as a rule, chooses the path of least resistance, just rewrite already written by someone article.
But another thing when there are any restrictions, for example, a predetermined plot of the story. In this case, the brain resists at first, but then agreed with the task and "throws" intriguing ideas and creative twists to the story.
The point here next, restrictions compel the brain to work at "full speed" and at the same time, the excessive freedom of choice leads to trivial solutions.
A few examples of how this "trick" is used in different areas:
Extraordinary photographers set themselves the task to make 10 original photographs in a familiar environment (for example, in his apartment). This forces them to look at a new angle on the familiar things.
I had heard that the artists paint the canvas, limited to only a few colors (eg, three) or only two brushes of different thicknesses.
Writers use sentences consisting of no more than 5-7 words. Musicians use only 5 notes in his works. Composers limit their works in duration.
I myself have long been using this trick, for example, my blog article written under the strict rules: the topic should be of interest to a wider audience and the view must have a rationale. This significantly "binds my hands," but at the same time making up my mind more flexible and leads to interesting solutions, such as this article.
Limitations - that's what most people are afraid (because it is a challenge to himself, out of the "comfort zone"), But in such conditions masterpieces are born.
#5. take a nap in the afternoon
There are many studies that confirm the fact that naps It promotes creative thinking. But there is one important detail, the forgotten.
The less time spent at work, the less effective naps. This means that the daily Napping (the incubation period for ideas) is most effective in the event that you've already "broke" his head on the solution of the impending problems.
That's what I said when describing the principle of the PAC.
To sleep during the day does not turn into one more reason to shirk work, make sure that before you've tried to find the answer to this question.
#6. Do something illogical
During the study, researchers found that the reading (or watching) some deprived of any logic, absurd or fantastic stories promotes creative thinking.
This phenomenon is explained quite simply, one of the features of our brain - always look for a logical explanation for what is happening around things, and it does not matter, in fact it is happening or read on the TV screen, all should be traceable logic Us.
By the way, in the "experimental" experiment, read the book "Alice in Wonderland." One of the few stories, the meaning of which as a child I could not understand :)
"Illogicality" forcing our brains "to boil" and for a while "logical thinking" is disabled (to allow the brain to "cool down"), and comes to the fore creative thinking.
In search of inspiration, I often read, for example.
#7. Disconnect the multi-tasking
Almost everyone suffers from such a disease, as "I want to do everything"And the first symptom of the disease"multitasking». This is not bad when it comes to domestic issues, such as washing dishes and parallel listening to an audiobook, but critically affects the effectiveness, if we talk about more serious issues.
Let's say I have noticed that if I "absorb" a new information and at the same time I write an article for their blog by inserting into it that just found out the output is the work not of the best quality, and I have it remodel.
The thing is that in such a situation, the brain works simultaneously in two modes, one of the "memory" is busy digesting process information, the other part is allocated for creativity. In such a situation, to realize their full creative potential is simply impossible.
It makes sense to separate the different modes of operation, for example, initially "soak up" the information, give it to settle (scientists call this stage "Incubation period" at this time "mature" new ideas), and then get to work and put all the energy into a creative process.
#8. Do something that will cause a wave of emotions
Not news that inspiration is accompanied by a good mood, but few people know that creative a positive effect and negative emotions.
This discovery was made recently, in 2007, although if we analyze, history is full of examples, in moments of grief when people create masterpieces, but for such brilliant things "color" a little different, often tragic.
I do not want you specifically to drive yourself into a depression, just remember that the next time You feel a strong emotional, try to concentrate the flow of energy on something for you important.
At such times, the probability of "catch" an idea with great potential increases dramatically. Just write down whatever comes to mind in these moments, without discrimination, to analyze and weigh're after (after all, this is a different mode of operation of the brain).
#9. Perform the exercise
Studying the question of creativity, I noticed that a lot of people mention that exercise promotes creative thinking. I myself, too long ago for a notice.
The nature of this process is such that on exertion, firstly, increasing the flow of blood to the brain and, secondly, after productive classes improves mood in humans. That is, directly exercise no influence on creative abilities, but affect mood, and hence there is a predisposition to the original thought.
Similarly, thinking about something pleasant, such as love or heavenly rest, elevate mood, and thus the mental abilities.
So, if you are "stuck" and can not squeeze out anything worthwhile, take a break and try to incorporate physical exerciseIt can bring a moment of inspiration.
The formula of genius
And now it's time to sum up everything and derive a formula of creativity.
Attention! What is described below - an algorithm that I have created for themselves. He is not the only true path to creativity and you can have your working formula.
So when I need fresh ideas, I do the following:
Step 1
Tune in to the desired range of thinking, for it try "to the tooth" looming problem. Without this step everything else is useless, because the PAC does not receive the necessary parameters for tracking.
Step # 2
If immediately solve the problem does not work, then, after several unsuccessful attempts, I get distracted and switch to overbearing, brain activity (do sports, go to the store or with his son I play).
distraction phase is absolutely necessary in order to "liberate" your brain from ineffective decisions. Distraction - a kind of incubation period for new ideas.
That's exactly what I said in an article on productivity, where scientists have found that the planned breaks to raise awareness and focus at work.
Step # 3
Once I came across an interview with R. Branson, and I remember one of his statements:
I forget the idea as fast as they come to mind. Therefore, always carry a notebook, as a last resort, do not disdain to write on the palms.
So if you tend to forget the idea of Branson, why it is not peculiar to me?
I try to write down everything that pops into my mind. If the idea of "tapped" in the head today, not tomorrow or yesterday, then I have what it takes to make it happen today.
This is the last step and at first sight it is the easiest, but the reality is it is the most difficult - write down everything that comes to mind.
It is interesting also that notepad always with us, but not in the areas where they are really needed. For example, we take them to work at a business meeting... but really, do we have time for new ideas in these areas? The truth is that this is not the place where there is a surge of creativity!
I am sure that if you hang up the notebook in the bathroom, take a tape recorder for a run, or iPad to the beach, the ideas of "gather up" many times more.
That's all …!
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- What are the ways to find original ideas do you use?
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