Of owls in a lark: how the morning workout changing lives
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Owls stand at the last minute to back to back in time for work, and go to the gloomy afternoon. In the evening, more power full, but the head does not work anymore. We know a simple way to fix this unfortunate misunderstanding.
Rare owls manage to create a schedule that would have combined with a habit to stay up late and get up for dinner. Others continue to hate the morning and evening to spend on unproductive occupations like sticking in social networks.
World, anyway, it is designed to Lark. And owls can only suffer. If nothing is done.
Change sleep and life in general, you can use the morning workouts. At least three improvements you'll notice almost immediately.
Good mood in the morning
Waking up early will not be easier in a jiffy. You can train with eyes closing: lively mind and fighting spirit in the room are not required. At the same time the sport itself invigorates and improves mood thanks to the development of a whole range of hormones. And the owl, in addition to a sense of accomplishment, there is an additional bonus - the pride of the morning feat.
Steady sleep schedule
have to stand even earlier. But it's scary is only the beginning. Physical activity allows your body to get tired in the evening in the same way as the mind. With this easy to sleep - do not have to toss and turn in bed at midnight, and then snap the phone and be horrified at how little time is left before the alarm clock.
Go to bed early every day it will be easier. And after a while even the early morning you will start to get enough sleep.
Effective training and Breakfast fun
Even if the owl finds strength after work to go to the gym, exercise turns into an agonizing wait end of classes and the beginning of dinner. At this willpower is over, and the table is difficult to say to yourself "stop" at the time.
In the morning, this is different. Since I got up so early, then lay out on the full. After all, to sacrifice a sweet dream! And after training a healthy appetite will go and breakfast in the matter - energy for the day.
Sounds incredibly? But it works.
Personal experience
For years I have justified the bad spirits and sluggish state that I have an owl. Even knowing that it is incompatible with the university and work. Then I even could not dream of a free work schedule and planned to be old to be angry at the unjust world.
To a certain pores I did it to stay up late and get up early. I dispensed with the sport. But the body's reserves did not last long.
In 25 years, I realized that I wanted to feel at 20, not 30. The first thing I did - bought a gym membership. Walk regularly did not work. A couple of times I even paid for a month training and then did not appear even once in the hall.
Sleep was even worse. Owls, you understand me: even after a sleepless night I was ready to again sit at the computer late into the night. Once the brain is not ready to work without sleep. The result - an evening of useless mouse clicks.
By the time I realized that the race - it's mine. But force yourself to go out for a run in the evening succeeded on the strength of a couple of times a week, the day grows to a chair and difficult to budge. So I decided: if nothing to lose (dull day of little value), the better I'll get up early and run of its 5 kilometers, and then - come what may.
And suddenly it worked! After jogging there are forces at work. And most importantly, it has become easier to fall asleep even in the early evening. Despite the free schedule, I get up at six in the morning. Run regularly turns, and working spirit lasts longer.
I know people who get to live the owl graphics. But such units. If you are unable to work out an optimal mode of life at night, you should change it with a morning workout. Back to what is, you can always. But did you know a lot of dissatisfied larks?