All prices are given in view of the existing rebates and are relevant only in the day of the article output. Do not miss the opportunity to save money!
1. Think like a millionaire
From this book you will learn what they think, what they feel, and how come the richest people in the world, and the main thing that prevents you from becoming one of them. Financial psychologist Harv Eker the first in the world to help you figure out what "financial software" installed on your subconscious level and how it affects your current relationship with money. Following his simple tips, you will reprogram itself to a much higher level of income and achievements.
You will learn how to properly dispose of their money, what sources of passive income exist and how to use the compound interest to multiply their capital.
Price: 244 rubles for the electronic version.
2. The line of fire
You will learn how to get away with in any situation it is difficult to communicate both in public and in the dialogue. You will receive the finished circuit to respond to any verbal attack on your address. Dissatisfied customer? Angry boss? Or just an upstart in the audience? Whatever happens, you will know what to do!
Price: 174 rubles for the electronic version.
3. Start with the main!
Bestseller "Start with the main!" Replace all books on time management and will show you the shortest way to achieve their goals. You will learn how to discipline and to-do lists are actually affect the operation, as well as get acquainted with the four thieves your productivity. Application of a surprisingly simple law, which is the basis of any success, will help you to achieve outstanding results, one after another.
Price: 244 rubles for the electronic version.
4. Clip-transorfing
Every book by Vadim Zeland - it's an incredible discovery that can inspire and give strength for the accomplishments. philosophical concept of the author believes that it is enough to go beyond the algorithm, the system started to work differently. When the action and thinking will not be subject to the general rules, the limits of what is permitted simply disappear, and the dreams will be fulfilled.
Price: 174 rubles for the electronic version.
5. Year with Peter Drucker
The indispensable book for anyone who is willing to become a recognized leader. It is based on the course of Peter Drucker, the famous management theorist, had an impact on every other leader in the world. The course contains 52 articles, one for each week of the year. You do not have to read them in a row and do the exercises in order. Choose relevant topics for themselves and develop the qualities that you need.
Price: 244 rubles for the electronic version.
6. Superman out of habit
What is a habit? This is a sure way to improve your health, improve the quality of life, increase productivity and working hours to enjoy the freedom, spending a certain amount of energy to form the pattern of behavior, and not every time before squeezing force limit resources will.
Habit does not make you a robot. They give freedom and saves the most important resource - willpower. This book will help you to secure the right habits.
Price: 299 rubles for the electronic version.
7. Work your dreams
Author of the bestseller "Dream on," Barbara Sher for his books and speeches changed the lives of millions of people. In this book, she shares the ideas and recommendations that will help you make a living doing what he likes.
If you are among those who do not believe in the possibility of earning on that brings the fun and excitement, then this book is for you.
Price: 299 rubles for the electronic version.
8. Ultra
For 40 years, Rich Roll was in terrible shape. His days consisted of work, stress and fast food. And he spent the night on the couch with remote control in hand. The most difficult sporting exercise is taking out the trash, and 22 kilos transformed by the rise in test steps.
This book - the story of his full physical and spiritual transformation, proving that anyone can become "ultra".
Price: 299 rubles for the electronic version.
9. How not to be mistaken
This book presents a mathematical method of analysis and the life of such issues hardly generated by the scientific community and contained in the form accessible to everyone.
Mathematics as Ellenberg says, is an add to your common sense, and it significantly multiplies its capacity and power. You can more deeply understand the world, and this book shows you how.
Price: 299 rubles for the electronic version.
10. Asshole under control
Everyone at work has a complex people, undermining the work environment, behave unpleasant way, preventing colleagues. It is difficult to understand why they behave. But what is for sure, these people are very different from daffodils, eager limelight, to robots blindly following instructions absolutely in all cases.
The book is clearly divided into parts in accordance with the 10 personality types, which are often referred to as complex. The authors brought these types based on their experience, describe each and suggested effective measures to improve the situation at work.
Price: 299 rubles for the electronic version.