Pokémon Quest - Offline Pokémon in the style of "wall to wall"
Games / / December 19, 2019
The game can not engage the first, but after a couple expeditions and capture the first Pokemon from it will not come off.
Pokémon Quest is made in an unusual "cubic" design, which you get used to pretty quickly. The main thing - just to realize that this game is not about graphics and epic battles, but about finding new Pokémon, their development and training. However, first things first.
Beginning of the game
At the start of Pokémon Quest prompts you to select one of the five pocket monsters, which will be your first pet. With it you will explore the uncharted lands inhabited by wild Pokémon.
Each location - it's a small area, to explore that your Pokemon will be on their own. You do not need to send it and show where to go. In this expedition will have to overcome all encountered inhabitants. Usually enemies appear in groups, in the latest wave is present the largest and most powerful Pokemon.
In battles conventional strikes are in automatic mode, but the special counter and dodge from the special skills other pocket monsters to use it you will. In the case of one Pokémon it may seem pretty boring, but when your team has three beings - the battle are fun.
As long as at least one of the three Pokémon is still not defeated in battle, the other two can be reborn, they just need time. If you own a location not handle, you may want to include avtoprohozhdenie, even when skills are used without your help.
catching Pokemon
The expeditions you will find the ingredients for a variety of dishes that are cooked in a special pot in your camp. It is these dishes are a lure for new Pokemon. To finish cooking, you need to go on an expedition as many times as specified on the boiler after the start of cooking.
The more complicated the dish in the pot, the longer you will have new land researcher. At the same place each location is not necessary. Even if you can not beat all wild Pokemon and lose, the expedition will be counted.
Boilers may be used with a random set of ingredients or strictly prescription to be opened gradually. Some of them will help to prepare a meal for Pokemon stone, others - for water and so on.
Pokémon may also look at your camp before the end of cooking. They need time to notice and catch, just by clicking on them. To account for pets is a traditional "Pokedeks", according to which the game is not less than 150 Pokemon.
Bleeding Pokemon
The level of the captured pokemon may be different, as well as its characteristics. Bleeding can go just with a set of experiences in battle or by means of training. This will require less than the desired pet, which you can donate. Due to it you can enhance the experience, raising the level of, or learn a new skill.
Much more important aspect of improving Pokemon - improving performance by using magical stones. They knocked out in battle and are inserted into the special cells that are unlocked with a set of experiences. That they can increase the attack or pet health.
Your camp will be playing all your captured Pokemon. Here it is worth and pot for cooking, and here it is possible to construct various buildings, obtained for the completion of locations, or bought at the store. These structures may add bonus when bleeding or increase the chances for loss of rare ingredients.
Since the game is free, it has a built-in purchase. However, the large dependence on them is not. Sooner or later, everything depends only special tickets that are needed for the expedition. It is a kind of energy that is automatically updated every half hour. That it is necessary to study the entire map.
Pokémon Quest unlikely to be interested in the player, distant from all the Pokémon universe. However, if you installed pokémon Go or at least know what Pikachu is different from Raichev, this game could very well pull you. In addition, you can play it anywhere and always connected to the network is only required when registering. Special knowledge of English is not necessary.
Price: Free
Price: Free