A lot of time has passed since Google released Android-its unusual game, which is a world of augmented reality. But the July 15 Ingress became available in the App Store, so now for the power and enlightenment of the Resistance and the owners will be able to play iOS-devices.
Ingress - this alternative reality, which builds on existing maps. To join one of the warring parties, you need to specify your e-mail Google box, and then choose a unique name. In addition to this, you will definitely need to give access to your current geolocation, without which the game simply will not start.
In the fight to take the two forces: enlightenment, support the existing power, and rebels representing the forces of resistance. You face a difficult and irreversible choice, you have to decide which of the parties would like to join.
After this map appears in front of you the world in which you marked triangle. Here you will find friendly and enemy Portals. Usually, they are in some historic places of your city near all sorts of monuments and landmarks. But in the game you can only interact with the objects in your circle delineated by the orange line.
Each portal has a different color, blue - is the resistance forces, green - the Enlightenment. But in order to go to one of the portals, you should move on foot in the real world. Ultimately, you need to get control of all the portals, as well as in a team, create a zone, you can easily monitor and protect.
To commit to any action game, you need to collect Exotic Matter (XM or mana), which is around you and is marked with a small blue dot. To crack the portal, you need to approach it as close as possible, so that it was in your coverage area, and then click Hack (Hack). After you get the perfect action game elements of the portal.
We have portals resonators than they are stronger, the harder it is to capture. If the charge of resonators falls to zero, they will be destroyed, after which the portal becomes neutral. But you can independently recharge the resonators, giving part of his mana. In addition, it is possible to put the panels, which are extracted by hacking enemy Portals.
If your location is not so many portals, you can create them independently. To do this, take a picture of an object, make a short description and the name of the portal to offer. Each new portal is seen within 3-4 weeks, after which it will appear on the map after about a month.
At the end of the game wins one of the teams, but how long will the war is unknown. Ingress feature and advantage is that in order to achieve any goals and new levels you will need to wander through your city, carefully studying his map, which allows you not to lie around the house, and for the benefit and business spending free time.
The app is free, and join the ranks of one of the parties, and start to develop Ingress!
Price: Free