During craze pandas and seals I remain almost indifferent to them. However mileyshaya of panda games Panda Sweet Tooth touched my heart. Yes, this game is worth a look even for the sake of its main character, though, and more worthy of attention there.
The essence of the game: you, as the panda, you need to run and collect all sorts of goodies (strawberries, oranges, cherries) to cook the jam for her children. But not all so simple. On the road, the panda naturally expect all sorts of adventures.
First, she met the monster who strive to take away at least one berry or fruit, if Panda careless and did not have time to jump over the monster.
But there are obstacles and terrible - real monsters that await on the road and taken everything so carefully collected supplies. However, conversely, you can take away everything they have to do this, just to scare the monster. Tapnite the screen with two fingers and the panda will issue a battle cry "Olo-lo-lo-lo !!" before which will not stand no monster.
But even monsters u is not the worst. The most insurmountable obstacle for me turned out to be bamboo! It might seem like your favorite food panda can harm her? It turns out he can. Eating too much bamboo, the panda became heavy and lethargic, and can no longer playfully jumping over the monsters and get highly placed snacks. It becomes critical third bamboo bush, after which the panda and did sit on the ground and does not want to crawl forward. Bamboo is also possible to jump or neutralize its effect magic mushrooms, which is better reserved in advance.
The game is very atmospheric. It 6 game worlds, and each of them has its own character, its mood, which is created through high-quality graphics and excellent musical accompaniment. For each of the world - their own music, which is not time to get bored. And funny panda cries can listen endlessly.
"Panda Sweet Tooth" - a family game. I am sure that it is pleasant to children of all ages, even the smallest, in fact very simple controls it.
And the adults will want to spend at least a couple of levels, because they like the combination of excitement, cute cartoon graphics and funny moments that filled game.
There is also a «Panda Sweet Tooth» version of the game for iPhone and iPod Touch.