FROM PlayStation 4 Now you can synchronize your device running iOS. Due to this the owners of smartphones and tablets from Apple can finally play games remotely from the console - its screen will be displayed on the mobile device.
You will need to update the firmware version of the PlayStation 4 to 6.50, download the application PS4 Remote Play and associate the console with a mobile gadget. controls appear on the screen, but for convenience you can connect a third-party controller. True, DualShock 4 is not supported.
Connect to the console, you can only Wi-Fi. To run the application require the device under iOS 12.1 or better control. Sony recommends that you use a minimum of 7 iPhone, iPad or 6-generation iPad Pro 2 generation.
Remote before the game on the PlayStation 4 has been available for iOS users only through third-party applications - for example, through the R-Play, which costs 899 rubles. On Android, the official app PS4 Remote Play came back in October 2014.
Price: Free