3 tips for those who become too forgetful
Books / / December 19, 2019
Make it easy to recall information
First, try to remember often what you want to remember. For example, if every time you saw someone's face, you will remember the person's name, the result then it will immediately pop up by itself in your mind.
The second method - a grouping of information. There is a phenomenon called "magical number seven". The essence of it is that a person can simultaneously memorize a limited number of pieces of information, such as words or numbers. Someone might remember 7, someone - only 3, on average this number is 5 ± 2. If the pieces of information is greater than this value, then one forgets it. It turns out, the amount of data that we can easily memorize, is very limited.
But if the group information, you can remember much more.
For example, if you are told to remember the names of all professional baseball players, you're unlikely to be able to do it. The task becomes doable, if you group them. For example, first of all divide into two leagues: the Pacific and Central. Then we will see which teams make up the league. Then you can remember the names of infielder teams. If in such a way to group all the names, we can
remember more of them and remember them, too, it will be easier.The third method is to create as many "clues" to make it easier to remember. For example, if you always meet people in the same office, you will be harder to remember who is who among them. But if you change the venue, you can remember: "This is the man, whom we met in there somewhere." Location will be the "hook" for the memory. Even easier, you will recall the man, if you connect to this and other facts. For example, what did you do together, or that you gave him, and so on. D.
To retrieve information from memory, it is important to use some of these techniques. There is nothing surprising in the fact that you can not remember something if you did not use any of these methods.
Our brain is designed so that trying to remember everything we have seen and heard (which is why we sometimes suddenly remember something that we thought had long forgotten). But if we do not engage the cognitive brain function during the storage of information, we can not immediately remove it from the memory, whenever we want.
Get rid of the "hang" of the brain
[...] Memory summed again? It's okay, in detail write down in a notebookExactly what you could not remember. Try to still remember it or find some information that was forgotten. And next time do your best to make the new information does not like out of my head. One only this measure will not give symptoms worsen. If you do not do yourself such "tips" you just close your eyes to the fact that once again forgot something, and forget even the fact that it happened.
The second thing you need to do - to be trained for a long time to talk. Let this will help your family. Your goal - not only to conduct a long story, and ask the interlocutor to ask clarifying questions and detail pronounce precisely those moments that you're not used to discuss that are not brought to automatism. First you will be difficult to gracefully express his thought, the story will now and then there is a pause, but it is the exercise of creating new "superstructure" and the maintenance of conditions in which they may occur.
I think I am writing about obvious things. But it is obvious, as a rule, suddenly disappear from our lives. If you compensate "something" that ceased to do, something goes on the mend. After all, the mere reading aloud or performing arithmetic exercises - not a panacea.
Another very useful to do something new. You can go to learn that far from your specialty, start walking on interesting courses to learn something new family members. Those who are constantly in the position of teacher, it is useful sometimes to leave the familiar instructor seat and become a disciple. This will give an opportunity to find something new in the familiar and look at things from a different angle.
Ultimately, the brain young is determined by how much a person of interest, how often it is necessary to solve intellectual problems, and how his life is filled with a new one.
The human brain, which in the life of this a lot, always remains "young" at any age. Conversely, the brains of young people deprived of such variety in life, can quickly "grow old". We can say, "youth" of the brain depends on the number of new tasks. Everyone who is faced with "hang-up" of the brain, it is necessary to make your life more diverse.
Levies Internet addiction
People with Internet addiction often complain that they are not to become worse still remember, but rather became worse remember. At the beginning of the book I wrote about the causes and consequences of this phenomenon: if a person is at hand friendly device that will perform for him some functions, it is necessary to pass on to him the tasks.
Man does not try diligently to remember something, and replaces this process a simple Internet search. The ability to extract information from the memory is lost. And when the person has a rare opportunity to remember something himself, he can not do this and feels "freeze". […]
In the fight against Internet addiction there is a caveat: the Internet is always at hand. The fact that the treatment of any patient depending primarily excluded from what is causing it. In the case of the Internet it is difficult to do, because you need it for work, and to communication.
Then an effective way to remove the first stage of entry into the virtual world.
For example, if a person has a habit of coming to work, immediately sit down at the computer and check mail, and then view the infinitely different sites, it is necessary to get rid of it. Once a person begins to "sit" on the Internet, it adapts to the attention Web surfing. Emotional system perceives it as something pleasant, and stop getting harder. computer switching process itself, and browsing email is just part of the usual activities. Therefore, from the standpoint of properties of the brain, the easiest to get rid of it from him.
When you do this, and instead of the usual activities you have to immediately take up the boring work, you'll want to return everything back. To prevent this, it is necessary to give pleasure to the emotional system in other ways. Away from your computer for a short while and drink a delicious cup of coffee or do something else pleasant.
After many hours on the computer it is necessary to go for a walk or else provide warm eyes. Since the brain can switch and use its other functions.
Read about other common problems and examples of the brain to deal with them in the book "Forgetfulness - my second... something there. How to return something that is constantly flying out of his head. " It will be useful to anyone who forgets the names of acquaintances with difficulty concentrating at work or experiencing a creative crisis.
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