REVIEW: "The bird the bird" - notes about writing and life in general
Books / / December 19, 2019
Grapes are so beautiful and so glowing. Perhaps Mother Nature wants to animals imbued with their beauty, ate the grapes and then all the cocoa seeds to grape has become even greater.
When I came to this book, I opened the old ritual and sniffed it to a random page. I always smell the books and am not afraid to talk about it. In fact, a little afraid, but I think I'll find like-minded people. After the ritual ponyuhivaniya, I glanced at the page and read the lines about grape seeds. It was then that I realized that this book special.
Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott - known and revered in the US writer of fiction and non-fiction books (many have become bestsellers). He conducts seminars on Creative Writing. In most of his books, she writes about motherhood, alcoholism, depression, religion, and their own experiences.
So you consider yourself a writer? And still do not understand why you have not yet been published, but the fans do not hang around your neck in bookstores? Or do you feel that you have something missing? Or do you have writer's block? Anne Lamott has gone through all the stages. In fact, through them any writer. Only not everyone writes about their experience and share tips about how important it is not to give up and move on. "The bird the bird" - is one of those rare books that contain a lot of useful information and almost no waste. More precisely, it is, but he is so funny and entertaining that read it as pleasant.
writer's attitude
Write just because! You look around, you notice anything and simply transfer it to the paper. A writer should always keep an eye on the outside world. To be an observer and at the same time to stand a little apart, in order to illuminate the life from an unusual angle. From this perspective, with that on it no one is watching.
It's very simple, but only in words. Lamotte said that the main mission of a writer is to help the reader to relive the feeling of surprise and novelty. In her words there is truth. Remember those times when the book captures you so much that you forget about everything that is happening around. Those moments when you seem to become the main character of the book and make decisions with it. And it is surprising, but your choices are the same! It is interesting to read these books, and your job as a writer - create them.
Ripples on the water -
trail deep silver fish -
different than ripples that of the wind. Gary Schneider
13 words that cause a storm of thoughts in my head. Write about what you interesting and important. Feelings, life, death, faith in God is of interest to many. Yes, that really there. Such topics for all. If you can add something new to the izezzhennoy, but still relevant topics you will read.
Writer - someone from whom nothing escapes. Henry James
Ideas - is the main stumbling block of every creative person. Where to draw inspiration, what to write about, where to get the idea - we are often faced with such questions. Here's what the author recommends:
- Do not leave home without a notepad and pen.
- To have a card on which to record spontaneous ideas, overheard conversations and phrases.
- Record everything, even the settling of thought.
- Describe commonplace events.
Let's take a closer look at the last paragraph. If you do not have any idea about what to write, cards do not help, and overheard conversations look like a conversation between two idiots, then use the last advice. It is extremely simple.
Think of some ordinary event of his life. For example, a school breakfast. And describe it. Write about whether you took breakfast with them from home or buy something in the school cafeteria. What was the most favorite dish if you come across a fly, and what they looked like. Write about what the breakfasts were among your classmates, who had the coolest, and who is the bad breakfast. Remember what you said when they ate at school, and what they think.
You remember? If you do not have gushed stream of thoughts and nostalgia of childhood - it does not matter. School lunches - it's just an example. You can choose any other event. The main thing - to learn how to describe them to the last detail and understand that even seemingly small in most memories can dig a wonderful idea.
creative crisis
For the writer can not be anything worse than these two words. The problem is that it can not be avoided, and every writer is faced with it. He will surely come. You will become reread your last lines, ideas, stories, and will realize that it is full of shit. What's worse, your friend, the writer at this time comes the period of maximum performance, and it will bring forth texts of rabbit speed by doping.
The best way to fight - through the power of writing. Create a ritual - to write 300 words every day. Let it be a stream of thought, a memory, a letter to your loved one, or a vicious tirade (not politics).
This creative process takes place in the subconscious. There sits our inner writer, and when it is ready to entrust you to the next chapter or plot the course, he does. And while he did not write his 300 words and enjoy life.
Giving voice
If you want to write like Bukowski, there will always be someone who will do it better. For example, Bukowski.
Own voice very difficult to find. It is much easier to find a favorite author and copy it. I so happened to music. I am very like John Fruschante (former guitarist of Red Hot Chili Peppers), and, instead of looking for their own style, I spent some time mindlessly imitated him.
That's what about this says Lamotte:
"If we create a world where everyone drives on the" Volkswagen "and the problems they have the same mediocre, as the machine, let it show. If they drive around in their car on thin ice, treacherous, I want to feel that they have under the wheels - cubic meters of ice, deadly water. Thousands of cubic meters of very cold. And even if in the end someone will fail, and will go under the water. I prefer writers who are not afraid to break the ice and dive into The cold depths of life with all its gloomy chaos. Those authors who take his monster, and lead him outside. "
Do not be afraid to describe his own monster. I do not know, whether there is news to you, but in each of us sits a monster, and they are remarkably similar to each other. We differ only impressions. And sin we about the same.
The last lesson and conclusions
The last chapter of the book contains a lot of practical advice. I will list some of them:
- Write about his childhood. About that time, when the world was fresh and interesting, when you notice so much.
- Write honestly and telling the truth.
- Shows the characters the reader in detail.
- Write boldly and not be afraid of criticism.
- Share your product to friends and value their opinions.
And, after all, write in order to pull themselves out of the stream of thoughts that takes in so much space that it is left for anything else. Do not write for awards, five-figure fees and popularity. In the words of the coach from the movie "Cool Runnings":
If you do something is not enough without a medal, then, and with a medal will be missed.
The "Birds of a bird" you can find many useful tips and life situations with which the writer is facing. Without embellishment and lies. And most importantly, this book will help you finally decide if you want to become a writer or not. And it depends on whether you're afraid of difficulties or not.
"The bird the bird. Notes about writing and life in general, "Anne Lamott
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