We are not to part with smartphones or at a party or in a restaurant or in public transport. But it is not always appropriate to stare at the screen of your phone or make a selfie. Jeremiah Tower in the book of etiquette described the rules of etiquette when using gadgets. These rules he called tehniket.
Jeremiah Tower
Founder of California cuisine. Opened several popular restaurants in San Francisco and around the world. Author of the cookbook "New American Classic".
Is it possible to correspond and to call at the table?
Take a look at this photograph.
Familiar? Today it is fashionable to say that technology and social networking divide people. In fact, people just hide behind screen phones because they do not know how to behave, especially if you are in unfamiliar company or at a dinner party.
When you look at your phone, you do not look less awkward and more popular. It makes you unavailable.
Jeremiah Tower, "How to eat with your hands, without violating decency"
Does this mean that, sitting down at the table, you need to leave your phone somewhere far away? Not. It is only necessary to observe certain rules.
- Pulling the phone out of his pocket, put it down on a table. Notifications of husky in social networks and new messages in the mail should not distract you from the conversation.
- If you're at a party and are waiting for an important call, inform the owner and present that will periodically look to the phone and may leave the event early.
- When there was an important call, do not jump up from the table like a scalded cat. Carefully stand up, apologize and go away to take the call, but rather go out into the other room. Others do not have to know the details of your visit to the doctor or the nuances of the deal with the Chinese.
- If emergency calls are not planned, turn on silent mode. Your ringtone not interesting to anyone, and suddenly began to play a melody can knock the narrator with a thought.
- Never use the speakerphone in humans. Exception: a call from a grandmother from Magnitogorsk, which wants to welcome the entire family gathered at the table.
- Correspondence is not worth. This is a demonstration of what you're bored and you would prefer the company of others. In this case it is better to apologize and walk away than to kill the general atmosphere of the meeting. Exception: write a few lines to stay home unsupervised children.
- Determined to show someone a photo with your phone, do not flip through the entire album. Appropriate to open up and show only the picture, about which we were talking in a conversation. Opposite is also true: not scroll the image on someone else's phone without permission.
In some cases, you can not take pictures of the food?
How can you just eat pasta with mitbolami and drink espresso cheesecake? Already the names of these dishes require post in Instagram, and restaurant supply at times so beautiful, that the hands stretch themselves to telephone.
Moderate their aesthetic-gastronomic delights. Before you take a picture and put the dish in the social network, ask yourself two questions:
- Do I have someone causes discomfort, holding the phone at arm's length to take a picture?
- Do I do it solely out of a desire to cause envy in others or to get approval?
If any of these questions the answer is yes, it is better to refrain from eating or leave a photo shoot pictures with him.
Can I post photos and videos directly from a party?
Yes, if you host the event, warned about this present, and they do not mind.
Yes, if you are allowed to host parties. Especially when I asked about it. Some events require even attracting attention in social networks, such as charity dinners.
In these cases, you can publish your photos to Facebook, writing on Twitter, and even broadcast live at Periscope. But be careful!
If on any image captured clearly compromising situation, first ask permission, then upload photos to the Web.
Jeremiah Tower, "How to eat with your hands, without violating decency"
And let google ?!
How beautiful were drinking debates until there was no internet. Everyone He defended his point of view: Hundreds of arguments and cited dozens of examples of life.
Now any verbal battles is simple: "Yes, what is there to argue - let google!" Perhaps this is a Solomonic decision XXI century. But do not forget that quickly found the right answer to drown out conversation.
As soon as you pull out your phone, and the rest will do the same, turning what until recently was a pleasant conversation, in a bustling check SMS, email and other messages.
Jeremiah Tower, "How to eat with your hands, without violating decency"
The Book of Jeremiah Tower "How to eat with your hands, without violating decency"Proves that etiquette is not a relic of the past. Good manners are changing with our lives. Today, it is not necessary to consider prongs on the plug, and it is normal to share the bill at a restaurant with a woman. But at the same time there are new rules, without which it is impossible to consider himself a cultured man.