"Why did not you tell me about it in 20" - a book about how to find yourself in this world
Books / / December 19, 2019
How to transform the lemonade in a helicopter
During lessons on creativity, I pay much attention to the value of creating new and unusual combinations of ideas. The more active you are practicing this skill, the more natural it becomes. For example, we use a comparison or metaphor to describe concepts that seem to be not related to each other at first sight. It gives us the opportunity to find fresh solutions to familiar problems. To illustrate this, we usually do a simple exercise. We ask to give the team as much as possible answers to the following statement.
Ideas remind ______________________________,
because ____________________________________,
Consequently, _______________________________ .
The list below shows just a few of the hundreds of creative responses that I've ever seen. In each case, the comparison enables a new way to look at concept idea.
- Ideas remind children because everyone around us seems to be that their own children are perfect, therefore, be objective when evaluating their ideas.
- Ideas resemble shoes because the shoes have to break in, therefore, you need time to evaluate new ideas.
- Ideas resemble mirrors, because they reflect the environment, therefore, to find even more diverse ideas should pay attention to what surrounds us.
- Ideas remind hiccups. Should start, and the flow can not be stopped, so you need to take full advantage of the time when your mind constantly come good ideas.
- Ideas resemble bubbles they burst easily, so you need to be careful with them.
- Ideas resemble cars, because they are able to move you to a new place, therefore, they should be used for the movement in the direction you want.
- Ideas resemble chocolate, because everyone loves him, so do not forget to eat them more often.
- Ideas resemble measles because they are contagious, so if you want to have their own interesting ideas emerged, spend more time with other people, prone to creative thinking.
- Ideas resemble the wafer, as the best of them - and fresh, so you need to constantly come to you with new ideas.
- Ideas resemble cobwebs, because they are stronger than might seem, therefore, should not be underestimated.
This exercise helps you to extend the boundaries of their imagination and seek inspiration to the world. Some people are able to do so quite naturally, removing a considerable advantage. like Steve JobsThey are always looking for new ways to creatively combine their ideas and then working hard to implement them.
An excellent example is the story of a businessman Perry Kleban, which, unfortunately, in 1991, broke his ankle. The injury was very unfortunate, because the avid skier does not want to miss the season on the slopes. Nevertheless, he managed to find a way to turn a problem into a success. During the recovery period after the injury, he found a pair of old wooden snowshoes and decided to try to work out for them. It did not work particularly well, which was another reason for the frustration of Perry. However, rather than throw them back in the closet and wait until the ankle is not srastetsya, Perry decided to design a new type of snowshoes. At the time, he just studied industrial design questions and realized that he could fully use their skills to solve their own problems. Over the next ten weeks, he designed and created eight different variants of snowshoes. On weekdays he worked on prototypes in the university studio, and on the weekend went with them to the mountains and spent test. By the end of the tenth week it was ready to patent their innovations.
after finishing design to perfection Perry manually created several pairs of snowshoes and decided to sell them in the sports shops. Buyers look at its product and asked in surprise: "What is it?" Snowshoes Perry did not look like nothing else, and this product was not the market. However, Perry was stubborn: he knew that the world should be a lot of people who for various reasons do not ski, but want to find another way to an interesting pastime in the winter in the mountains. In the end he decided himself to create a market.
Perry personally drove sports equipment vendors for the weekend in the mountains, so that they themselves experienced his invention. He informed them that they were not obliged to promote snowshoes its clients, he just wanted them to try this new sport. Sellers like, and they talk about their experiences to visitors stores. As a result of sporting goods stores have started to buy its products Perry. However, the problems do not end there.
Often, customers who bought new snowshoes Perry, did not understand where they can be used. Therefore Perry persuaded ski resorts US to do propaganda snowshoes. He urged them to create special tracks for snowshoes, develop trails cards to customers and control over traffic safety. With this were all the prerequisites for a sharp market growth (in a matter of years, it has grown from zero to $ 50 million). Perry company called Atlas Snowshoe was eventually sold to the K2, a major manufacturer of sports equipment and well-marked trails for snowshoeing available almost everywhere.
Perry turned the whole group of problems in a series of victories. He was able to understand what made up of its capacities, and establish a connection between a broken ankle, the desire to spend time in snow, new skills in the field of product design and the belief that good snow boots may need huge amount people. He was able to make his own, but only after considerable time and energy, coupled with great tenacity. Many people might give up or stop before any new obstacle. However, Perry saw every problem new opportunities, and when all the pieces were formed, the chances of a positive outcome markedly increased. This happened only because Perry has used each of the described Vayzmanom Richard (Richard Wiseman) skills. He watched the steps forward made, was prone to adventurism and a healthy optimism, and for all that was not afraid of hard work. Each of these features has been extremely important for achieve this goal.
So, as we have seen, we are quite capable to design your luck with the help of hard work and concentration on the order. However, at our disposal, there are other tools: openness to new opportunities emerging in our way, the use of all the advantages that give We encountered chances meticulous attention to the world around us, communication with the widest possible range of people and the transformation of this interaction in the most positive. human fortune is always associated with the conversion of a bad situation into a good or improving an already good situation. When we begin to consciously put themselves in unusual circumstances and to collect new and unusual experience, fearlessly trying to climb the stage on which we want to play a piece of his life, our chances of success considerably increased.
"Why did not you tell me it's 20?", Tina Seelig
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