Favorite Books Paul Terrible, editor Bookmate
Books / / December 19, 2019
Paul Terrible
Chief Editor Bookmate, Author of the podcast "Reader».
1. Do you have a favorite author? What his book you recommend to read?
90 percent of my reading - is a non-fikshen not undertake to name a favorite author. In fikshene last much (very much) impressed me was the author Gaito Gazdanov. To my shame, I found out about it five years ago.
Read it can be anything. His most famous work - is "Evening at Claire," but I'm more like the "Flight."
2. With a book from childhood you have associated with the most fond memories?
With "Dunno on the Moon", because it is the first book about which I distinctly remember reading it myself, sitting in the holiday sun lounger and feeling the sun was hot knees.
I also like to recall the book "Coupling Polbotinka and Moss Beard" Eno Raud, which I had read in seven years, it is hard aching chicken pox - because of this book heroes became the characters of my feverish delirium.
Separately mention "Mole in the City" - a manifesto of green based on the beloved cartoon with beautiful illustrations.
3. What book are you re-read often and with pleasure?
"Mole in the city" - almost every time when I come to the country. And so with the re-reading I have not really made up.
4. Which book is the most inspired you to some action?
I'm interested in long-distance running - and as a fan and as an amateur athlete. Therefore regularly read books about running, which in Russian, unfortunately, does not go out, and in English each year are published in a roomy bookcase. These are not books, which tell about the angle at which to hold the elbows, and very lively documentary history.
If you choose only one, it is Two Hours British journalist Ed Caesar. The author is not a sports writer and war correspondent and investigative journalist, who turn quite serious topics: washing off of money, corruption, the Central African Republic. At some point, he wondered how people get to run 42 kilometers a couple of hours.
You probably think (if at all think about it) that the description of the marathon can not be interesting. Caesar overthrows all these prejudices. This is one of the most fascinating journalistic books that I read. It inspires you to get up at 5:30 in the morning training in November.
I also want to point out that reading almost every book inspires reading next.
5. Was the book from which you could not break away until you have read to the end?
Do not break away from the book, I can only late in the evening or at night, but, alas, always fall asleep after 15-20 minutes, no matter how exciting it was.
6. What book be sure to read each person and why?
This book is not, of course, but you read Two Hours Ed Caesar, to find out how fascinating long-distance running.
7. Which book has been helpful to you professionally? Why?
Every day I work with books. Most of my work is juggling a variety of electronic and audio books in several languages. Through reading, study of the context, the bibliography of the author, information publishing, where the author was published, I learn something new and get the information that is useful for my work.
I need to know what books are, how they work, what they resemble each other and differ. And in this sense professionally useful to me reading each.
8. What of the last read fiction books do you remember? Than?
Somewhere in five years ago, a devastating impression on me, "Black Swan" Gaito Gazdanov, immersing the reader into the black abyss of human consciousness. This is a small story about the Russian emigres in Paris which decided to commit suicide, and shortly before this in some detail explained to his friend why made such a decision.
I read it in the book "Russian cruel story", compiled by Vladimir Sorokin. In general, I recommend the entire collection: it gives a new perspective on Russian literature.
9. What is a good book you read on the advice of another person?
In the center of Berlin has a book store Duismann. In his English-language department salesman advised me the book The Collapse of American historian Mary Elise Sarotte. I bought it and immediately read. It is a historical monograph about the fall of the Berlin Wall, but believe me, this exciting historical monograph you have not read - ready script for Netflix.
Sarotte describes the events that preceded the fall, through the eyes of various participants in the historical process: thumps in prentslauerbergskom dissidents bar, the Soviet embassy staff, East German confused and do not understand anything at all of the West officials, an American correspondent, accidentally has removed one of the textbook telekartinok XX century, and so Further.
This is an outstanding book that tells a lot about how we see and remember the great events of history. And they are at the same time is really going on. I am very pleased that the Russian will be released next year transfer "Collapse" of the publishing house Individuum.
To be honest, no seller was not there. On this book I came across in the department itself, and invented the story to you to advise her. Unfortunately, I could not think of a good book you read recently on the advice of another person. In the end, everything we read is advised if you do not close, the critics and editors, algorithms and calculations in the book.
10. What do you prefer: paper, electronic, audio books? Why?
In transport and before going to bed I read paper books, in a spare moment, five or ten I read in Bookmate. I listen to podcasts when I go somewhere to walk or wash the dishes.
11. Do use special applications for reading? What?
Bookmate! Keep your promo code for the month of reading.
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12. Do you make a note if quotes are preserved, whether write reviews?
I note the quotation in Bookmate (and never come back to them not), make notes in paper books (and never come back to them not). There is a false sense that the notes and quotes help a little longer pomusolit the author's idea and remember it - although I certainly do not remember anything.
Specially bought a beautiful diary for next year to make by hand to mark about reading and growing up children, but I think that's enough me only New Year vacation.
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