10 inspirational quotes from "The Little Prince"
Books Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
"The Little Prince" - the legendary work of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This fairy tale for adults was first published in 1943, since in the world there is no man who does not know its main character - a boy with the golden hair.
"The Little Prince" translated into more than 180 languages on its grounds filmed, written music. The book became a part of modern culture and shattered into quotes.
"But if this is some kind of bad grass, it is necessary to tear it up by the roots, as soon as you recognize it"
The allegorical story by Antoine de Saint-Exupery planet - is the soul, the inner world and the bad grass - his bad thoughts, actions and habits. From seed "bad herbs" should immediately get rid of, until it took root, did not feature the character and does not destroy the personality. After all, if the planet is very small, and the baobabs are so many, they tear it to shreds.
"Must I endure two or three caterpillars if I want to get acquainted with the butterflies"
Some people are unpleasant to us, "slippery" and quirky, like a caterpillar. But this does not mean that inside they do not have anything nice. Perhaps they are just looking for a way and one day turn into beautiful butterflies. We must be tolerant of the shortcomings of others and to be able to see beauty even in impartially.
"As call that he heard the catch of his soul, eludes me... Because she's so mysterious and unknown, the country of tears ..."
Empathize with the pain of others, sincere and delicate - it is difficult. Almost the same as asking for forgiveness when wronged. All words seem unnecessary and wrong. "The country is crying" is really incomprehensible. But the main thing - do not forget how to empathize, not harden, screwing another stubborn bolt.
"After all adults were once children, only a few of them remember it '
Children are amazing. While they are not taught to think "right" in their heads they are born great ideas. Their imagination is limitless and clean. Too bad adults do not remember how innocent and beautiful "planet" of the child. Antoine de Saint-Exupery throughout the book reminds us how important it is to maintain the child within himself and did not bury their children's dreams and talents.
"Words only hinder to understand each other"
Billions of people pronounce words. Most - unnecessary and empty. And about how many words have to regret? But the way of the world - without words, perhaps there would be no society. We just need to not forget what power they possess - in one sentence a person can be happy or unhappy, to make laugh or cry. Be careful. And take care of the people with whom you are comfortable to be silent - that's priceless.
"Your rose so dear to you because you gave her all his days"
"Earth - the planet is not easy! People take on the world is not so much space. " We are 7 billion. Even more. But each of us has a couple of really close friends. No matter how cynical, we do not like people, but the time spent with them. Common experiences and adventure - that's what makes your rose unique, unlike thousands of other roses.
"When you give yourself to tame, then the case and cry"
Lone easier. For itself, but not be disappointed, it will not be hurt. Trust is difficult. Rather scary. If you would still have shops, where they sell friends, many have become regular customers. But, fortunately, they are not. And we have "tamed". Damn scary. We all know that friendship is a rare complete without tears.
"Then the judge himself, - said the King. - This is the most difficult. Judge themselves much harder than others. If you can correctly judge yourself, then you are truly wise "
If someone truly wise, because it de Saint-Exupery. People love to "convict" each other (especially on the Internet - do not feed bread, let me write a judgmental comment). It's so simple. He told the man what he is wrong, and nothing else to do. Another thing - the judge himself. At a minimum, it is necessary to weed baobabs.
"Zorko one heart. The most important thing the eyes can not see "
"Listen to your heart" - this phrase often you can hear in the songs and films. Perhaps it is the second most popular after the "I love you." From this, we do not take it seriously. But this does not negate its depth and wisdom. You can not believe just the outside, can not be rational always and everywhere. Trust your heart - it will not fail.
"You are responsible forever for all who tamed"
These are the words that do not require arguments. Not for a moment, for a moment we can not forget about relatives. We must do so that they never fall into the country of tears. We are obliged to cover their glass cover their care.
illustrations kim Minji.